MTTL Consistent Row Height and Expanding Rows : 2
Problem to solve
As a user of the MTTL webpage, I want the ability to have a user interface that allows for uniform interface elements, so I can access information more quickly and consistently.
Intended users
All users of the MTTL webpage
User experience
The user should be able to quickly and accurately scan large amounts of data entries before drilling down into a single desired topic for further inspection.
- Enforce a consistent height on the table rows in the MTTL master table.
- Upon a user clicking non-linked areas within the desired row, the row would expand to show all of the existing contents.
- Clicking again on the row would shrink the row to the initial size.
- Opening a new row would not close or affect other row sizes or states.
- Any textual information too large for the initial row size would be shortened and replaced with an ellipsis at the end of the line automatically.
Further details
Acceptance Criteria
All rows in the MTTL are displayed at the same height (regardless of content) -
Clicking linked information functions as normal -
Clicking open space on the row expands (if necessary) -
Clicking open space on an expanded row reverts the size to it's initial state -
Fields with too much information to be contained in the initial size are shortened with an ellipsis -
Expanding a new row does not affect any previously opened rows
Edited by charles.heaton.2