Produce our Developmental Training Plan Template with pipeline
What problem(s) will it solve?
The 90th's developmental Training Plans (See attached) utilize information from the 90th's MTTL KSAT's to help shape and inform their transition from phase to phase. Manually keeping up with the KSAT changes would take time and effort to maintain. Additionally, the expected time to complete the phases is a best guess effort instead of informed from actual training times (such as KSAT Estimated Time to Complete data). Producing a template Developmental PD with the pipeline would alleviate the maintenance requirements (and additionally provide a method to version control the document as well).
Who is the intended user(s)?
Senior Civilian/Deputy Director - They would utilize these templates when initiating new developmental positions. This could also be pointed to as a reference if candidates or others wanted to know "what it takes" to progress in the program.
Others - Transparency in the template would provide a way to suggest changes, reuse, and/or share among others who might want to use or plagiarize.
Lay out the expected user experience
Given A user is on the MTTL page (or documentation?)
When a user clicks on the file link (or download button)
Then They will get an editable version of the document updated with the latest KSATs.
Further details
Permissions and Security
Nothing sensitive about the document or our Developmental Program... should be able to display publically.
User Documentation
Update- This should be identified as a product of our pipeline.
Developer Documentation
Update- Documentation on the technical solution and any maintenance steps required.
CYT Overview briefing
Update- Update the overview brief to discuss how this pipeline helps integrate training objectives into talent management/recruiting and how we are able to help alleviate and accelerate administrative tasks while improving quality.
-Is there any other documentation affected?
- None
Availability & Testing
What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
Success Metrics/Criteria
Senior Civilian no longer has to manually maintain this document and is able to rely on it for a quality developmental PD program.
Acceptance Criteria
- PD template is produced and available to be downloaded with current KSATs.