diff --git a/docs/assets/scripts/developer/k3d-dev.sh b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/k3d-dev.sh
index 86b7444e9d0c8e3934a7b0f544cc6cf4e946c59c..b3d80c7f7feef7365aa1b2259b4fabeec9c168a8 100755
--- a/docs/assets/scripts/developer/k3d-dev.sh
+++ b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/k3d-dev.sh
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
+# get the current script dir
+SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
 function run() {
   ssh -i ~/.ssh/${KeyName}.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes ubuntu@${PublicIP} "$@"
@@ -158,15 +161,20 @@ while [ -n "$1" ]; do # while loop starts
   -h) echo "Usage:"
       echo "k3d-dev.sh -b -p -m -a -d -h"
       echo ""
-      echo " -b   use BIG M5 instance. Default is t3.2xlarge"
+      echo " -b   use BIG M5 instance. Default is m5a.4xlarge"
       echo " -p   use private IP for security group and k3d cluster"
       echo " -m   create k3d cluster with metalLB"
       echo " -a   attach secondary Public IP (overrides -p and -m flags)"
       echo " -d   destroy related AWS resources"
+      echo " -w   install the weave CNI instead of the default flannel CNI"
       echo " -h   output help"
       exit 0
+  -w) echo "-w option passed to use Weave CNI" 
+      USE_WEAVE=true
+  ;;
   *) echo "Option $1 not recognized" ;; # In case a non-existent option is submitted
@@ -548,12 +556,15 @@ if [[ $K3S_IMAGE_TAG ]]; then
   k3d_command+=" --image docker.io/rancher/k3s:$K3S_IMAGE_TAG"
+# create docker network for k3d cluster
+echo "creating docker network for k3d cluster"
+run "docker network remove k3d-network"
+run "docker network create k3d-network --driver=bridge --subnet= --gateway"
+k3d_command+=" --network k3d-network"
 # Add MetalLB specific k3d config
 if [[ "$METAL_LB" == true || "$ATTACH_SECONDARY_IP" == true ]]; then
-  # create docker network for k3d cluster
-  echo "creating docker network for k3d cluster"
-  run "docker network create k3d-network --driver=bridge --subnet= --gateway"
-  k3d_command+=" --k3s-arg \"--disable=servicelb@server:0\" --network k3d-network"
+  k3d_command+=" --k3s-arg \"--disable=servicelb@server:0\""
 # Add Public/Private IP specific k3d config
@@ -565,6 +576,30 @@ else
   k3d_command+=" --k3s-arg \"--tls-san=${PublicIP}@server:0\""
+# use weave instead of flannel -- helps with large installs
+# we match the 172.x subnets used by CI for consistency
+if [[ "$USE_WEAVE" == true ]]; then
+  run "if [[ ! -f /opt/cni/bin/loopback ]]; then sudo mkdir -p /opt/cni/bin && sudo curl -s -L https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins/releases/download/v1.3.0/cni-plugins-linux-amd64-v1.3.0.tgz  | sudo tar xvz -C /opt/cni/bin; fi"
+  scp -i ~/.ssh/${KeyName}.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes ${SCRIPT_DIR}/weave/* ubuntu@${PublicIP}:/tmp/
+  # network settings  
+  k3d_command+=" --k3s-arg \"--flannel-backend=none@server:*\""
+  k3d_command+=" --k3s-arg \"--disable-network-policy@server:*\""
+  k3d_command+=" --k3s-arg \"--cluster-cidr=*\""
+  k3d_command+=" --k3s-arg \"--service-cidr=*\""
+  k3d_command+=" --k3s-arg \"--cluster-dns=*\""
+  # volume mounts
+  k3d_command+=" --volume \"/tmp/weave.yaml:/var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests/weave.yaml@server:*\""
+  k3d_command+=" --volume /tmp/machine-id-server-0:/etc/machine-id@server:0"
+  k3d_command+=" --volume /tmp/machine-id-agent-0:/etc/machine-id@agent:0"
+  k3d_command+=" --volume /tmp/machine-id-agent-1:/etc/machine-id@agent:1"
+  k3d_command+=" --volume /tmp/machine-id-agent-2:/etc/machine-id@agent:2"
+  k3d_command+=" --volume /opt/cni/bin:/opt/cni/bin@all:*"
 # Create k3d cluster
 echo "Creating k3d cluster with command: ${k3d_command}"
 run "${k3d_command}"
diff --git a/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/README-weave.md b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/README-weave.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee4d2a79b4e557571fa9770754ff89d36e5047d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/README-weave.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# K3d
+curl -L https://github.com/weaveworks/weave/releases/download/v2.8.1/weave-daemonset-k8s.yaml -O > weave.yaml
+Weave expects `/etc/machine-id` to be a file, and each k3d node needs to have a unique value in this file.
+BB k3d uses the cidr subnet for pods, so `IPALLOC_RANGE` needs to match:
+          containers:
+            - name: weave
+              env:
+                - name: IPALLOC_RANGE
+                  value: ""
diff --git a/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-0 b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fea3c1afd536277de9083218fd03e7a8ea9c858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-1 b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..701baa2381b01e8254be0572eab122b237ee8309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-2 b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..819a7199f0d863be48aa5d6a8d11a89dd02dd820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-agent-2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-server-0 b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-server-0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9578ff130f542ed1c2c24d8f2fe1293ed96179f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/machine-id-server-0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/weave.yaml b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/weave.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcc6bec3fe85fa670d27a683535c7038d2c99444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/scripts/developer/weave/weave.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: List
+  - apiVersion: v1
+    kind: ServiceAccount
+    metadata:
+      name: weave-net
+      labels:
+        name: weave-net
+      namespace: kube-system
+  - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+    kind: ClusterRole
+    metadata:
+      name: weave-net
+      labels:
+        name: weave-net
+    rules:
+      - apiGroups:
+          - ''
+        resources:
+          - pods
+          - namespaces
+          - nodes
+        verbs:
+          - get
+          - list
+          - watch
+      - apiGroups:
+          - extensions
+        resources:
+          - networkpolicies
+        verbs:
+          - get
+          - list
+          - watch
+      - apiGroups:
+          - 'networking.k8s.io'
+        resources:
+          - networkpolicies
+        verbs:
+          - get
+          - list
+          - watch
+      - apiGroups:
+        - ''
+        resources:
+        - nodes/status
+        verbs:
+        - patch
+        - update
+  - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+    metadata:
+      name: weave-net
+      labels:
+        name: weave-net
+    roleRef:
+      kind: ClusterRole
+      name: weave-net
+      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
+    subjects:
+      - kind: ServiceAccount
+        name: weave-net
+        namespace: kube-system
+  - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+    kind: Role
+    metadata:
+      name: weave-net
+      namespace: kube-system
+      labels:
+        name: weave-net
+    rules:
+      - apiGroups:
+          - ''
+        resources:
+          - configmaps
+        resourceNames:
+          - weave-net
+        verbs:
+          - get
+          - update
+      - apiGroups:
+          - ''
+        resources:
+          - configmaps
+        verbs:
+          - create
+  - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
+    kind: RoleBinding
+    metadata:
+      name: weave-net
+      namespace: kube-system
+      labels:
+        name: weave-net
+    roleRef:
+      kind: Role
+      name: weave-net
+      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
+    subjects:
+      - kind: ServiceAccount
+        name: weave-net
+        namespace: kube-system
+  - apiVersion: apps/v1
+    kind: DaemonSet
+    metadata:
+      name: weave-net
+      labels:
+        name: weave-net
+      namespace: kube-system
+    spec:
+      # Wait 5 seconds to let pod connect before rolling next pod
+      selector:
+        matchLabels:
+          name: weave-net
+      minReadySeconds: 5
+      template:
+        metadata:
+          labels:
+            name: weave-net
+        spec:
+          initContainers:
+            - name: weave-init
+              image: 'weaveworks/weave-kube:latest'
+              imagePullPolicy: Always
+              command:
+                - /home/weave/init.sh
+              env:
+              securityContext:
+                privileged: true
+              volumeMounts:
+                - name: cni-bin
+                  mountPath: /host/opt
+                - name: cni-bin2
+                  mountPath: /host/home
+                - name: cni-conf
+                  mountPath: /host/etc
+                - name: lib-modules
+                  mountPath: /lib/modules
+                - name: xtables-lock
+                  mountPath: /run/xtables.lock
+                  readOnly: false
+          containers:
+            - name: weave
+              command:
+                - /home/weave/launch.sh
+              env:
+                - name: IPALLOC_RANGE
+                  value: ""
+                - name: INIT_CONTAINER
+                  value: "true"
+                - name: HOSTNAME
+                  valueFrom:
+                    fieldRef:
+                      apiVersion: v1
+                      fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+              image: 'weaveworks/weave-kube:latest'
+              imagePullPolicy: Always
+              readinessProbe:
+                httpGet:
+                  host:
+                  path: /status
+                  port: 6784
+              resources:
+                requests:
+                  cpu: 50m
+              securityContext:
+                privileged: true
+              volumeMounts:
+                - name: weavedb
+                  mountPath: /weavedb
+                - name: dbus
+                  mountPath: /host/var/lib/dbus
+                  readOnly: true
+                - mountPath: /host/etc/machine-id
+                  name: cni-machine-id
+                  readOnly: true
+                - name: xtables-lock
+                  mountPath: /run/xtables.lock
+                  readOnly: false
+            - name: weave-npc
+              env:
+                - name: HOSTNAME
+                  valueFrom:
+                    fieldRef:
+                      apiVersion: v1
+                      fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+              image: 'weaveworks/weave-npc:latest'
+              imagePullPolicy: Always
+              resources:
+                requests:
+                  cpu: 50m
+              securityContext:
+                privileged: true
+              volumeMounts:
+                - name: xtables-lock
+                  mountPath: /run/xtables.lock
+                  readOnly: false
+          hostNetwork: true
+          dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
+          hostPID: false
+          restartPolicy: Always
+          securityContext:
+            seLinuxOptions: {}
+          serviceAccountName: weave-net
+          tolerations:
+            - effect: NoSchedule
+              operator: Exists
+            - effect: NoExecute
+              operator: Exists
+          volumes:
+            - name: weavedb
+              hostPath:
+                path: /var/lib/weave
+            - name: cni-bin
+              hostPath:
+                path: /opt
+            - name: cni-bin2
+              hostPath:
+                path: /home
+            - name: cni-conf
+              hostPath:
+                path: /etc
+            - name: cni-machine-id
+              hostPath:
+                path: /etc/machine-id
+            - name: dbus
+              hostPath:
+                path: /var/lib/dbus
+            - name: lib-modules
+              hostPath:
+                path: /lib/modules
+            - name: xtables-lock
+              hostPath:
+                path: /run/xtables.lock
+                type: FileOrCreate
+          priorityClassName: system-node-critical
+      updateStrategy:
+        type: RollingUpdate