diff --git a/charter/packages/sonarqube/Architecture.md b/charter/packages/sonarqube/Architecture.md
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+++ b/charter/packages/sonarqube/Architecture.md
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+# Sonarqube
+## Overview
+[Sonarqube](https://www.sonarqube.org/) is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities.
+## Big Bang Touchpoints
+graph TB
+  subgraph "Ingress"
+    ingressgateway
+  end
+  subgraph "Sonarqube"
+    ingressgateway --> sonarqube
+  end      
+  subgraph "Metrics"
+    sonarqube --> prometheus
+  end
+  subgraph "Database"
+    sonarqube --- postgres
+  end
+### Storage
+Persistant storage can be enabled by setting the following values in the bigbang chart:
+  sonarqube:
+    values:
+      persistence:
+        enabled: true
+        annotations: {}
+        storageClass:
+        accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
+        size: 10Gi
+### Database
+Sonarqube needs a postgres database to function. If one is not specified in the bigbang chart Sonarqube will deploy one internally within the namespace it is deployed to.
+  sonarqube:
+    database:
+      host: ""
+      port: 5432
+      database: ""
+      username: ""
+      password: ""
+### Istio Configuration
+Istio is disabled in the sonarqube chart by default and can be enabled by setting the following values in the bigbang chart:
+hostname: bigbang.dev
+  enabled: true
+These values get passed into the sonarqube chart [here](https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/developer-tools/sonarqube/-/blob/main/chart/values.yaml#L358). This creates the virtual service and maps to the istio gateway.
+## High Availability
+This can be accomplished by increasing the number of replicas in the deployment.
+  sonarqube:
+    values:
+      replicaCount: 2
+## Single Sign on (SSO)
+SSO integration can be configured by modifying the following settings in the bigbang chart.
+  oidc:
+    host: login.dso.mil
+    realm: baby-yoda
+  sonarqube:
+    enabled: true
+    sso:
+      enabled: true
+      client_id: ""
+      label: ""
+      certificate: ""
+      login: login
+      name: name
+      email: email
+flowchart LR
+S --> K[(Keycloak)]
+subgraph external
+ingress --> IP
+subgraph "Sonarqube namespace"
+    subgraph "Sonarqube pod"
+        S["sonarqube"]
+        IP["istio proxy"] --> K
+        IP --> S
+    end
+## Licencing
+Sonarqube is released under the [Lesser GNU General Public License](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesser_GNU_General_Public_License). The Bigbang chart utilizes the community edition of Sonarqube, but there are are also paid supported versions. Upgrades from community edition to enterprise or developer editions are possible via the [upgrade path](https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/setup/upgrading/). Here is a link to their [Feature Comparison](https://www.sonarsource.com/plans-and-pricing/)
+## Dependencies
+Node kernel mods: