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@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ nav:
   - Guides: guides
   - Prerequisites: prerequisites
   - Understanding Big Bang: understanding-bigbang
+  - FAQ: FAQ.md
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+# Frequently Asked Questions
+## Costs and licensing fees
+> Will a user, government program, or support contract incur any costs, other
+than their own labor, for installing and using Big Bang?
+Big Bang itself is open-source, and you do not need to pay Platform One
+to use it in your environment.
+Our baseline includes multiple software components, with a variety
+of open-source and commercial licenses. Details of these components and
+their licensing models can be found in
+[Big Bang Licensing Model Overview](./understanding-bigbang/licensing-model.md)
+In Big Bang 2.0, our default core components will be open source, though paid
+alternatives will remain available.
+You are in complete control over which components you install in your
+environment, and choose whether or not to use commercial software.
+However, your Approving Official may require certain commercial applications for a cATO.
+> Are users required to set up a "contract" with Platform One in order to
+use Big Bang?
+No. Big Bang is open source, and can be used by you and your organization
+without payment to Platform One.
+Platform One does offer optional hosting and support contracts:
+- Our Big Bang Integration Team helps customers install, upgrade, and operate BigBang on customer hardware and in customer environments.
+- Our Digital Twin service will deploy an instance of your application to
+  our testing clusters, so we can ensure that changes to our baseline won't break your integration tests. Providing you with customized release notes for your environment.
+- [Party Bus](https://p1.dso.mil/products/party-bus) is a managed environment and
+  instance of Big Bang, which an application can be hosted on. Party Bus removes the
+  need for you to operate a cluster entirely.
+For more information on services, [contact us](https://p1.dso.mil/contact-us) or email platformone@dso.mil
+> Do we need a government PM to send a formal request to Platform One in order
+to get started?
+No. Big Bang is Open Source, and you do not need our permission to use it.
+However, we always like to hear from our users, both to know how large an
+impact this effort is making, and to make sure we are addressing our users'
+most pressing needs.
+TODO: reach out link
+## Security
+> Is Big Bang secure? What about its plugins?
+Big Bang is compliant with the
+[DevSecOps Reference Architecture](https://dodcio.defense.gov/Portals/0/Documents/Library/DoD%20Enterprise%20DevSecOps%20Reference%20Design%20-%20CNCF%20Kubernetes%20w-DD1910_cleared_20211022.pdf),
+and is used at all impact levels and classifications.
+[Iron Bank](https://p1.dso.mil/products/iron-bank) performs automated scans of all image
+components used in Big Bang, and patches vulnerabilities as they are found. Big Bang
+pulls all hardened images from Iron Bank.
+TODO: link to cATO docs - Cyber is working on a Care Package at IL4 to link here
+## Deployment
+> Can we stand up our own instance of Big Bang in AWS GovCloud?
+Yes. Big Bang strives to be vendor-agnostic, and will run on Cloud One,
+AWS GovCloud, Microsoft Azure, on-prem hardware, and in air-gapped
+> Do we have to set up a full Kubernetes distribution? Can we just deploy Big Bang to a Virtural Machine?
+Big Bang is, at its core, a Helm chart, which creates templates for Kubernetes
+resources. As such, Big Bang requires a full Kubernetes environment.
+If your organization is unable to support a full Kubernetes environment, you may wish to
+consider [Party Bus](https://p1.dso.mil/products/party-bus), which is Platform One's
+managed Big Bang Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution, or one of the [Big Bang Resellers](https://p1.dso.mil/resellers).
+## Change Control
+> How do you manage change control on BB? How can we be notified of changed?
+Big Bang has a two-week release cadence. You can view our
+[release schedule](https://docs-bigbang.dso.mil/latest/#Navigating-our-documentation),
+our [project milestones](https://repo1.dso.mil/groups/big-bang/-/milestones),
+and our [release notes](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/releases)
+for more information.
+## Documentation and Briefings
+> Can you provide the latest documentation and briefings?
+The most up-to-date information on BigBang can be found  on
+[Big Bang Docs](https://docs-bigbang.dso.mil/latest/docs)
+An overview of BigBang's architecture, and the packages available, can be found
+on the [Big Bang Universe](https://universe.bigbang.dso.mil/)
+It would also be useful to review
+[Understanding Big Bang](https://docs-bigbang.dso.mil/latest/docs/understanding-bigbang/?h=understanding+bigbang%2F)
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
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--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -65,3 +65,7 @@ The following is a general overview of the process, the [deployment guides](./gu
 ## New User Orientation
 * New users are encouraged to read through the Useful Background Contextual Information present in the [understanding-bigbang folder](./understanding-bigbang)
+## Frequently Asked Questions
+You can view answers to a number of frequently asked questions [here](FAQ.md).