diff --git a/chart/templates/grafana/values.yaml b/chart/templates/grafana/values.yaml
index 89bb3553a5c29b0fe458bc03e5a5be2edb8a2d36..d6f8d481a9350df15c2208dfae7ca0cefda5d8c9 100644
--- a/chart/templates/grafana/values.yaml
+++ b/chart/templates/grafana/values.yaml
@@ -104,6 +104,14 @@ datasources:
     apiVersion: 1
+    {{- if .Values.addons.mimir.enabled }}
+    - name: Mimir
+      type: prometheus
+      uid: mimir
+      access: proxy
+      url: http://mimir-mimir-nginx.mimir.svc.cluster.local/prometheus
+      editable: true
+    {{- end }}
     {{- if .Values.monitoring.enabled }}
     {{- if .Values.addons.thanos.enabled }}
     - name: Thanos
diff --git a/chart/templates/kyverno-policies/values.yaml b/chart/templates/kyverno-policies/values.yaml
index 59af854f207b7afea3339286b83054bf9a58660b..14fb1e97194ffe1135469f6fd8595e74bfc6da8d 100644
--- a/chart/templates/kyverno-policies/values.yaml
+++ b/chart/templates/kyverno-policies/values.yaml
@@ -246,6 +246,13 @@ policies:
           - twistlock-defender-ds*
           - volume-upgrade*
       {{- end }}
+      {{- if .Values.addons.mimir.enabled }}
+      - resources:
+          namespaces:
+          - mimir
+          names:
+          - mimir-mimir-smoke-test-*
+      {{- end }}
   # Kyverno Beta feature - https://kyverno.io/docs/writing-policies/verify-images/
@@ -1039,6 +1046,11 @@ policies:
           - monitoring-monitoring-kube-operator*
           - prometheus-monitoring-monitoring-kube-prometheus*
           - monitoring-alloy-*
+      - namespace: mimir
+        pods:
+          allow:
+          - mimir-mimir-rollout-operator-*
+          - mimir-mimir-minio*
       - namespace: anchore
diff --git a/chart/templates/mimir/_postrenderers.tpl b/chart/templates/mimir/_postrenderers.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c0f56234e61f4713f97a95d692deebaa7a5862c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart/templates/mimir/_postrenderers.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{{- define "mimir.istioPostRenderers" }}
+- kustomize:
+    patches:
+      - patch: |
+          - op: add
+            path: /spec/ports/1/appProtocol
+            value: tcp
+        target:
+          kind: Service
+          name: .*-headless$
+      - patch: |
+          - op: add
+            path: /spec/ports/1/appProtocol
+            value: grpc
+        target:
+          kind: Service
+          name: ^.+-(?:alertmanager|compactor|distributor|ingester(-zone.*)?|overrides-exporter|querier|query-frontend|store-gateway(-zone.*))$
+      - patch: |
+          - op: add
+            path: /spec/template/metadata/labels/app.kubernetes.io~1part-of
+            value: memberlist
+        target:
+          kind: Deployment
+          name: ^.+-query-frontend$
+      - patch: |
+          - op: add
+            path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/ports/-
+            value:
+              containerPort: 7946
+              name: memberlist
+              protocol: TCP
+        target:
+          kind: Deployment
+          name: ^.+-query-frontend$
+{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chart/templates/mimir/git-credentials.yaml b/chart/templates/mimir/git-credentials.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e20f2ce19d538f4adf38a9b3765ad495dc1adfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart/templates/mimir/git-credentials.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{{- $gitCredsSecretDict := dict
+  "name" "mimir"
+  "targetScope" .Values.addons.mimir
+  "releaseName" .Release.Name
+  "releaseNamespace" .Release.Namespace
+{{- include "gitCredsSecret" $gitCredsSecretDict | nindent 0 -}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chart/templates/mimir/gitrepository.yaml b/chart/templates/mimir/gitrepository.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f124c50495b171f0232fa4017c3221c8676b3b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart/templates/mimir/gitrepository.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{{- if and (eq .Values.addons.mimir.sourceType "git") (not .Values.offline) .Values.addons.mimir.enabled }}
+{{- $gitCredsDict := dict
+  "name" "mimir"
+  "packageGitScope" .Values.addons.mimir.git
+  "rootScope" .
+  "releaseName" .Release.Name
+apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1
+kind: GitRepository
+  name: mimir
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  labels:
+    app.kubernetes.io/name: mimir
+    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
+  interval: {{ .Values.flux.interval }}
+  url: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.git.repo }}
+  ref:
+    {{- include "validRef" .Values.addons.mimir.git | nindent 4 }}
+  {{ include "gitIgnore" . }}
+  {{- include "gitCredsExtended" $gitCredsDict | nindent 2 }}
+{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chart/templates/mimir/helmrelease.yaml b/chart/templates/mimir/helmrelease.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7edb611c575748236b602dd2781290a5fa94b49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart/templates/mimir/helmrelease.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{{- $fluxSettingsMimir := merge .Values.addons.mimir.flux .Values.flux -}}
+{{- if .Values.addons.mimir.enabled }}
+apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2
+kind: HelmRelease
+  name: mimir
+  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  labels:
+    app.kubernetes.io/name: mimir
+    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
+  annotations:
+    checksum/bigbang-values: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/mimir/values.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
+  targetNamespace: mimir
+  chart:
+    spec:
+      {{- if eq .Values.addons.mimir.sourceType "git" }}
+      chart: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.git.path }}
+      sourceRef:
+        kind: GitRepository
+        name: mimir
+        namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+      {{- else }}
+      chart: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.helmRepo.chartName }}
+      version: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.helmRepo.tag }}
+      sourceRef:
+        kind: HelmRepository
+        name: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.helmRepo.repoName }}
+        namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+      {{- $repoType := include "getRepoType" (dict "repoName" .Values.addons.mimir.helmRepo.repoName "allRepos" $.Values.helmRepositories) -}}
+      {{- if (and .Values.addons.mimir.helmRepo.cosignVerify (eq $repoType "oci")) }} # Needs to be an OCI repo
+      verify:
+        provider: cosign
+        secretRef:
+          name: {{ printf "%s-cosign-pub" .Values.addons.mimir.helmRepo.repoName }}
+      {{- end }}
+      {{- end }}
+      interval: 5m
+  {{- toYaml $fluxSettingsMimir | nindent 2 }}
+  {{- if or .Values.addons.mimir.postRenderers .Values.istio.enabled }}
+  postRenderers:
+  {{- if .Values.istio.enabled }}
+  {{ include "mimir.istioPostRenderers" . | nindent 2 }}
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- with .Values.addons.mimir.postRenderers }}
+  {{ toYaml . | nindent 2 }}
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- end }}
+  valuesFrom:
+    - name: {{ .Release.Name }}-mimir-values
+      kind: Secret
+      valuesKey: "common"
+    - name: {{ .Release.Name }}-mimir-values
+      kind: Secret
+      valuesKey: "defaults"
+    - name: {{ .Release.Name }}-mimir-values
+      kind: Secret
+      valuesKey: "overlays"
+  # TODO: DRY this up
+  {{- if or .Values.istio.enabled .Values.kyvernoPolicies.enabled .Values.monitoring.enabled }}
+  dependsOn:
+  {{- if .Values.istio.enabled }}
+    - name: istio
+      namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- if .Values.kyvernoPolicies.enabled }}
+    - name: kyverno-policies
+      namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  {{- end }}
+  {{- end }}
+{{- end }}
+status: {}
diff --git a/chart/templates/mimir/imagepullsecret.yaml b/chart/templates/mimir/imagepullsecret.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38a173cb50759b1033934d4a983cd26c57ffba2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart/templates/mimir/imagepullsecret.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{{- if .Values.addons.mimir.enabled }}
+{{- if ( include "imagePullSecret" . ) }}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Secret
+  name: private-registry
+  namespace: mimir
+  labels:
+    app.kubernetes.io/name: mimir
+    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
+type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
+  .dockerconfigjson: {{ template "imagePullSecret" . }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chart/templates/mimir/namespace.yaml b/chart/templates/mimir/namespace.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76be13619901f000f193976481704f31b74e6378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart/templates/mimir/namespace.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{{- if .Values.addons.mimir.enabled }}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Namespace
+  name: mimir
+  labels:
+    app.kubernetes.io/name: mimir
+    app.kubernetes.io/component: "core"
+    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
+    istio-injection: {{ dig "istio" "injection" "enabled" .Values.grafana }}
+{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chart/templates/mimir/secret-objectstore.yaml b/chart/templates/mimir/secret-objectstore.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..599d0c4bb355c3322aba84a1bd7fbf6611904004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart/templates/mimir/secret-objectstore.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{{- if .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.enabled }}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Secret
+  name: mimir-objstore-secret
+  namespace: mimir
+  labels:
+    app.kubernetes.io/name: mimir
+    app.kubernetes.io/component: "core"
+    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
+type: kubernetes.io/opaque
+  AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.accessSecret | b64enc }}
+  AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.accessKey | b64enc }}
+{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chart/templates/mimir/values.yaml b/chart/templates/mimir/values.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d521b2164e9c9518cfe089ecf68df2275b9aaec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart/templates/mimir/values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+{{- /* Create secret */ -}}
+{{- if .Values.addons.mimir.enabled }}
+{{- include "values-secret" (dict "root" $ "package" .Values.addons.mimir "name" "mimir" "defaults" (include "bigbang.defaults.mimir" .)) }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- define "bigbang.defaults.mimir" -}}
+{{- $minioEnabled := (.Values.addons.mimir.minioObjectStorage.enabled) }}
+{{- $s3Enabled := (.Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.enabled) }}
+{{- $mimirEnterpriseEnabled := (.Values.addons.mimir.enterprise.enabled) }}
+  enabled: {{ .Values.monitoring.enabled }}
+  enabled: {{ .Values.networkPolicies.enabled }}
+  controlPlaneCidr: {{ .Values.networkPolicies.controlPlaneCidr }}
+  enabled: {{ .Values.istio.enabled }}
+  hardened:
+    enabled: {{ or
+      (dig "istio" "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.monitoring.values)
+      (dig "istio" "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.addons.authservice.values)
+      (dig "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.istio.values)
+      (dig "istio" "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.grafana.values)
+      (dig "istio" "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.loki.values)
+      (dig "istio" "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.eckOperator.values)
+      (dig "istio" "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.elasticsearchKibana.values)
+      (dig "istio" "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.addons.mimir.values)
+    }}
+    {{- if and (or (dig "values" "istio" "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.addons.mimir) (dig "hardened" "enabled" false .Values.istio.values)) (contains "s3" .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.endpoint) }}
+    customServiceEntries:
+      - name: egress-object-store
+        enabled: true
+        spec:
+          hosts:
+          - {{(printf "%s.s3.dualstack.%s.amazonaws.com" .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.bucketName .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.region) }}
+          location: MESH_EXTERNAL
+          ports:
+            - number: 443
+              protocol: TLS
+              name: https
+          resolution: DNS
+    {{- end }}
+{{- if $minioEnabled }}
+  enabled: true
+  tenant:
+    configSecret:
+      accessKey: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.minioObjectStorage.configSecret.accessKey }}
+      secretKey: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.minioObjectStorage.configSecret.secretKey }}
+    defaultUserCredentials:
+        username: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.minioObjectStorage.defaultUserCredentials.username }}
+        password: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.minioObjectStorage.defaultUserCredentials.password }}
+{{- end }}
+  query_scheduler:
+    enabled: {{ not .Values.istio.enabled }}
+  {{- if or $minioEnabled $s3Enabled }}
+  {{- if $s3Enabled }}
+  global:
+    extraEnvFrom:
+    - secretRef:
+        name: mimir-objstore-secret
+  {{- end }}
+  mimir:
+    structuredConfig:
+    {{- if $mimirEnterpriseEnabled }}
+      admin_client:
+      backend: s3
+    {{- end }}
+      alertmanager_storage:
+        backend: s3
+      blocks_storage:
+        backend: s3
+      ruler_storage:
+        backend: s3
+      common:
+        storage:
+          backend: s3
+          s3:
+            {{- if $minioEnabled }}
+            access_key_id: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.minioObjectStorage.defaultUserCredentials.username }}
+            endpoint: minio.mimir.svc.cluster.local
+            insecure: true
+            secret_access_key: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.minioObjectStorage.defaultUserCredentials.password }}
+            bucket_name: mimir
+            {{- else }}
+            {{- if $s3Enabled }}
+            access_key_id: "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}" # This is a secret injected via an environment variable
+            endpoint: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.endpoint }}
+            insecure: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.insecure }}
+            secret_access_key: "${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}" # This is a secret injected via an environment variable
+            region: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.region }}
+            bucket_name: {{ .Values.addons.mimir.s3ObjectStorage.bucketName }}
+          {{- end }}
+          {{- end }}
+    {{- end }}
+{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chart/templates/monitoring/values.yaml b/chart/templates/monitoring/values.yaml
index 94f09c3356b1a178394e80473ea72b8be6d80dff..b470485b3af69a240af5df72dbeb1ef1f06c2844 100644
--- a/chart/templates/monitoring/values.yaml
+++ b/chart/templates/monitoring/values.yaml
@@ -164,6 +164,23 @@ prometheus:
         insecureSkipVerify: true  # Prometheus does not support Istio security naming, thus skip verifying target pod certificate
     {{- end }}
+    {{- if .Values.addons.mimir.enabled }}
+    remoteWrite:
+      {{- if .Values.istio.enabled }}
+      # I promise it's not a typo; the port is 80 even though it's TLS
+      - url: https://mimir-mimir-nginx.mimir.svc.cluster.local:80/api/v1/push
+      {{- else }}
+      - url: http://mimir-mimir-nginx.mimir.svc.cluster.local/api/v1/push
+      {{- end }}
+        {{- if and .Values.istio.enabled (eq (dig "istio" "mtls" "mode" "STRICT" .Values.addons.mimir.values) "STRICT") }}
+        tlsConfig:
+          caFile: /etc/prom-certs/root-cert.pem
+          certFile: /etc/prom-certs/cert-chain.pem
+          keyFile: /etc/prom-certs/key.pem
+          insecureSkipVerify: true
+        {{- end }}
+    {{- end }}
     {{- if $thanosEnabled }}
diff --git a/chart/values.schema.json b/chart/values.schema.json
index b3a51f10e0fbddf1badc73cad20ca10161790c8f..3733ee0e04c695f33bccf51d8f8870bd3df79646 100644
--- a/chart/values.schema.json
+++ b/chart/values.schema.json
@@ -1253,6 +1253,13 @@
               "$ref": "#/$defs/basePackage"
+        },
+        "mimir": {
+          "allOf": [
+            {
+              "$ref": "#/$defs/basePackage"
+            }
+          ]
diff --git a/chart/values.yaml b/chart/values.yaml
index 51a60dc51d5002aa6fb654ecd6be7ec50218cd3a..74ef7f706644aa9cf7a37605e2a8e779ba41897b 100644
--- a/chart/values.yaml
+++ b/chart/values.yaml
@@ -2116,6 +2116,68 @@ addons:
     # -- Flux reconciliation overrides specifically for the alloy package
     flux: {}
+  mimir:
+    # -- Toggle deployment of Mimir
+    enabled: false
+    # -- Choose source type of "git" or "helmRepo"
+    sourceType: "git"
+    git:
+      repo: https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/mimir.git
+      tag: "5.5.1-bb.3"
+      path: "./chart"
+    helmRepo:
+      repoName: "registry1"
+      chartName: "mimir"
+      tag: "5.5.1-bb.3"
+    # -- Enable Mimir Enterprise
+    enterprise:
+      enabled: false
+    # -- Enable Big Bang MinIO dependency chart for Mimir
+    minioObjectStorage:
+      enabled: false
+      # -- MinIO root credentials
+      configSecret:
+        accessKey: "minio"
+        secretKey: "minio123" # default key, change this!
+      # Configures the Big Bang MinIO Tenant User Credentials
+      defaultUserCredentials:
+        username: "mimir-user"
+        password: "supersecret"
+    # -- Configure Mimir to use S3 bucket
+    s3ObjectStorage:
+      enabled: false
+      # examples: "s3.amazonaws.com" "s3.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com" "minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000"
+      endpoint: ""
+      # -- S3 compatible region to use for connection information.
+      region: ""
+      # -- Access key for connecting to object storage endpoint.
+      accessKey: ""
+      # -- Secret key for connecting to object storage endpoint.
+      # Unencoded string data. This should be placed in the secret values and then encrypted
+      accessSecret: ""
+      # -- Bucket name for the Mimir bucket as YAML
+      bucketName: ""
+      # -- Whether or not objectStorage connection should require HTTPS, if connecting to in-cluster object
+      insecure: false
+    values: {}
+    postRenderers: []
+    # -- Flux reconciliation overrides specifically for the alloy package
+    flux: {}
 # -- Wrapper chart for integrating Big Bang components alongside a package
   # -- Choose source type of "git" or "helmRepo"
diff --git a/docs/packages.md b/docs/packages.md
index c81fa54ca7d2cd647ca5bacb7299f11349b6b33c..b7d4a8b1e7104580b349ba9b54d947f65563591a 100644
--- a/docs/packages.md
+++ b/docs/packages.md
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
 | [Metrics Server](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/metrics-server) |  ![Metrics Server Build](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/metrics-server/badges/main/pipeline.svg) | Yes | No | [Yes](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/merge_requests/1738) | [Yes (STRICT)](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/merge_requests/1968) |
 | [Thanos](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/thanos) |  ![Thanos Build](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/thanos/badges/main/pipeline.svg) | Yes | No | [Yes](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/merge_requests/3113) | [Yes (STRICT)](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/merge_requests/3113) |
 | [Alloy](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/alloy) |  ![Alloy Build](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/alloy/badges/main/pipeline.svg) | No | No | [Yes](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/merge_requests/5031) | [Yes (STRICT)](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/alloy/-/blob/main/chart/values.yaml?ref_type=heads#L202) |
+| [Mimir](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/mimir) |  ![Mimir Build](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/mimir/badges/main/pipeline.svg) | No | No | [Yes](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/merge_requests/5378) | [Yes (STRICT)](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/mimir/-/blob/main/chart/values.yaml?ref_type=heads#L213) |
 | [bbctl](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/bbctl) |  ![bbctl Build](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/bbctl/badges/main/pipeline.svg) | No | No | No | N/A |
 | [haproxy](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/haproxy) |  ![haproxy Build](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/haproxy/badges/main/pipeline.svg) | No | No | No | [Yes (STRICT)](https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/haproxy/-/blob/main/chart/values.yaml?ref_type=heads#L569) |
diff --git a/docs/understanding-bigbang/package-architecture/mimir.md b/docs/understanding-bigbang/package-architecture/mimir.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2568453db292970a67fffb6e1458dc10a4008ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/understanding-bigbang/package-architecture/mimir.md
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Mimir
+Mimir is an open source, horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant
+Time Series Database (TSDB) for long-term storage for Prometheus.
+## Architecture
+While Mimir itself supports a number of deployment modes including monolith,
+simple-scalable, and microservice-based paradigms, the community supports only
+microservice-based via `helm install`, so that is the only deployment mode
+supported by Big Bang.
+### Write Path
+flowchart TD
+  subgraph "Mimir Components"
+    Gateway
+    Distributor[Distributor]
+    subgraph "Ingesters"
+      Ingester[Ingester]
+      Ingester2[Ingester]
+      Ingester3[Ingester]
+    end
+    Store-Gateway[Store Gateway<br/>Caches bucket index]
+    Compactor[Compactor<br/>Optimizes storage]
+  end
+  Storage[("Object Storage (S3)")]
+  Prom[Prometheus Scrapers] --> Gateway
+  Gateway --> Distributor
+  Distributor --> Ingesters
+  Ingesters --> Store-Gateway
+  Compactor --> Storage
+  Store-Gateway --> Storage
+### Read Path
+flowchart BT
+Storage[("Object Storage (S3)")]
+  subgraph "Mimir Components"
+    subgraph Queriers
+      Querier0[Querier]
+      Querier1[Querier]
+      Querier2[Querier]
+    end
+    subgraph Ingesters
+      Ingester0[Ingester]
+      Ingester1[Ingester]
+      Ingester2[Ingester]
+    end
+    subgraph QueryScheduler[Optional]
+      QS[Query Scheduler]
+    end
+    StoreGateway[Store Gateway]
+    QueryFrontend[Query Frontend]
+    Memcached["Memcached (optional)"]
+    Gateway
+  end
+  Storage --> StoreGateway
+  StoreGateway --> Queriers
+  Ingesters --> Queriers
+  Queriers --> QueryScheduler
+  QueryScheduler --> QueryFrontend
+  QueryFrontend --> Gateway
+  Gateway --> Reader["Grafana, Kiali, etc."]
+### Multitenancy
+While multitenancy is one of Mimir's standout features compared to other
+long-term Prometheus storage options, no tenancy decisions are made by Big Bang.
+By default in Big Bang, all metrics consumed by Mimir belong to the 'anonymous'
+## Big Bang Touchpoints
+### Licensing
+Grafana Mimir is open-source,
+[licensed under AGPL v3.0](https://github.com/grafana/mimir/blob/main/LICENSE).
+### UI
+While Mimir is a Prometheus-compatible storage backend, it does not expose the
+Prometheus UI. It is expected that Mimir will be consumed entirely via its API.
+Mimir does have an administrative interface that is useful for debugging and
+diagnostics, but the Big Bang team does not expose this by default.
+### Storage
+Mimir is designed to work with an external S3-compatible object storage service.
+It can function by writing metrics to disk directly. In Big Bang, it is
+configured to do so when Minio is not enabled and no other object storage
+configuration is provided.
+### Logging
+Grafana Mimir writes its logs to stderr. These logs will be picked up by the
+logging collector configured within the cluster.
+### High Availability
+Grafana Mimir is only community supported in a highly-scalable
+microservice-based deployment mode. The Big Bang team makes no assumptions about
+consumer scaling needs and leaves the exact configuration for a performant
+deployment up to the Big Bang consumer. By default, the components are deployed
+with at least n+1 availability.
+Grafana publishes
+[a guide](https://grafana.com/docs/mimir/latest/manage/run-production-environment/planning-capacity/)
+for Mimir capacity planning that can be helpful when performing scaling
+### Health Checks
+Grafana Mimir is configured with standard liveness and readiness probes. In
+addition to the health of Mimir itself, cluster administrators can port-forward
+the admin UI to get an overall view of cluster and gossip ring health.
diff --git a/tests/test-values.yaml b/tests/test-values.yaml
index 664813b530a39f7be716871ee874fcf9d3cccabf..7b4558cd8afe31d71296dd82b2282be787d498ec 100644
--- a/tests/test-values.yaml
+++ b/tests/test-values.yaml
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ gatekeeper:
           - thanos/thanos-cypress-test
           - twistlock/twistlock-cypress-test
           - vault/vault-cypress-test
+          - mimir/mimir-cypress-test
           # Allow kyverno test vectors for Helm test
           - default/restrict-host-path-mount-.?
           - default/restrict-host-path-write-.?
@@ -412,6 +413,7 @@ gatekeeper:
           - thanos/thanos-cypress-test
           - twistlock/twistlock-cypress-test
           - vault/vault-cypress-test
+          - mimir/mimir-cypress-test
           # Allow kyverno test vectors for Helm test
           - default/restrict-host-path-mount-.?
           - default/restrict-host-path-write-.?
@@ -601,6 +603,7 @@ kyvernoPolicies:
               - keycloak
               - jaeger
               - kyverno-reporter
+              - mimir
               - monitoring
               - vault
               - logging
@@ -642,6 +645,7 @@ kyvernoPolicies:
               - keycloak
               - kyverno-reporter
               - jaeger
+              - mimir
               - monitoring
               - vault
               - logging
@@ -690,6 +694,7 @@ kyvernoPolicies:
               - keycloak
               - kyverno-reporter
               - jaeger
+              - mimir
               - monitoring
               - vault
               - logging
@@ -1885,7 +1890,6 @@ addons:
               - ALL
         # There have been intermittent failures of the tests in the past.   The issue is tracked in the below issue.
         # https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/minio/-/issues/7
@@ -1899,6 +1903,53 @@ addons:
             MINIO_PORT: ''
             MINIO_HOST: 'https://minio-api.dev.bigbang.mil'
+  mimir:
+    enabled: false
+    values:
+      istio:
+        hardened:
+          customServiceEntries:
+            - name: "cypress-service-entries-mimir"
+              enabled: true
+              spec:
+                hosts:
+                  - 'registry.npmjs.org'
+                  - 'download.cypress.io'
+                  - 'cdn.cypress.io'
+                  - 'repo1.dso.mil'
+                  - 'grafana.dev.bigbang.mil'
+                  - 'optimizationguide-pa.googleapis.com'
+                  - 'clientservices.googleapis.com'
+                  - 'accounts.google.com'
+                  - 'redirector.gvt1.com'
+                  - 'content-autofill.googleapis.com'
+                  - 'safebrowsing.googleapis.com'
+                location: MESH_EXTERNAL
+                ports:
+                  - number: 443
+                    protocol: TLS
+                    name: https
+                resolution: DNS
+      bbtests:
+        enabled: true
+        cypress:
+          artifacts: true
+          envs:
+            cypress_grafana_url: 'https://grafana.dev.bigbang.mil'
+        scripts:
+          envs:
+            MIMIR_URL: 'http://mimir-mimir-distributor.mimir.svc:8080'
+    minioObjectStorage:
+      enabled: true
+    networkPolicies:
+      enabled: true
+    imagePullSecrets:
+      - name: private-registry
+    console:
+      persistence:
+        size: 5Gi
+      localVolumeUpgrade: true
     enabled: false