secret-objectstore.yaml does not honor host or endpoint unless type set to minio
Enpoint and host values are only carried through if type is set to minio. This works fine in unclassified environments as the system defaults to In unclassified environments this being unavailable requires us to modify the rails secret after any change because with out being able to set the host value our cache uploads to S3 fail.
This is required for the classified operations team as our endpoints do not point to the default amazon urls due to operating in DoD environments.
BigBang Version
{{- if eq .Values.addons.gitlab.objectStorage.type "s3" }}
{{- if neq "" }}
host: "{{ .Values.addons.gitlab.objectStorage.endpoint }}"
{{- end }}
{{- if neq .Values.addons.gitlab.objectStorage.endpoint "" }}
endpoint: "{{ .Values.addons.gitlab.objectStorage.endpoint }}"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}