BB 2.11.x contains an undocumented breaking change for velero schedules
When upgrading to the new version of BB we encountered this error:
bigbang velero 86m False Helm upgrade failed: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with update: Schedule "velero-velero-mybackup" in namespace "velero" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "velero-velero"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "velero"
This happened due to the removal of helm hooks from the schedule resource in this commit (which came from the upstream chart). Helm hooks do not have helm ownership annotations, but with the removal of the hooks the schedule is now a "normal template" and needs those annotations.
A workaround is to annotate the schedule manually pre-upgrade:
kubectl annotate -n velero schedule velero-velero-mybackup
kubectl annotate -n velero schedule velero-velero-mybackup
Edited by Micah Nagel