Create Plan to Move Off RKE2
Summary: This issue is meant to create documentation for transitioning off RKE2 and on to EKS, we need to understand and inventory current RKE2 deployments and usage. Then, we'll document a plan to move each Big Bang touchpoint to EKS, including creating a transition diagram. We'll also develop a plan to move Dogfood off RKE2 and replicate this process in Production.
- Create documentation for moving off of RKE2
- Understand the current RKE2 deployments and everywhere where RKE2 is used
- Inventory and list where RKE2 is used
- Document plan to move each Big Bang touchpoint with RKE2 to EKS
- Create diagram for moving off of RKE2
- Plan to move Dogfood off of RKE2
- Plan to replicate in Production
BB exiting RKE2 (dogfood) diagram
flowchart TD;
internet((Internet)) --- igw
subgraph VPC
igw(Internet Gateway) ---|HTTP / HTTPS Only| elb
igw(Internet Gateway) ---|SSH\nWhitelist IPs| jump
igw(Internet Gateway) ---|Egress Only| nat1 & nat2
elb(Elastic Load Balancer) ---|Node Ports| a1 & a2
jump -.- bscale(Autoscale: Bastion)
subgraph za [Zone A]
nat1 --- zapriv
jump --- zapriv
subgraph zapub [Public Subnet]
nat1(NAT Gateway)
jump(Bastion Server)
subgraph zapriv [Private Subnet]
cp(RKE2 Control Plane\nLoad Balancer)
s1(RKE2 Server Node)
s3(RKE2 Server Node)
a1(RKE2 Agent Node)
subgraph zb [Zone B]
nat2 --- zbpriv
subgraph zbpub [Public Subnet]
nat2(NAT Gateway)
subgraph zbpriv [Private Subnet]
s2(RKE2 Server Node)
a2(RKE2 Agent Node)
s1 & s3 & s2 -.- sscale(Autoscale: Server Node Pool)
a1 & a2 -.- ascale(Autoscale: Agent Node Pool)
subgraph store [S3 Bucket]
subgraph RKE2
yaml(RKE2 Kubeconfig)
token(RKE2 Access Token)
BB Moving to EKS (dogfood) diagram
flowchart TD;
internet((Internet)) --- | EKS VPC | igw-eks
internet((Internet)) --- | CNAP | igw
subgraph EKS VPC's
igw-eks(Internet Gateway EKS) ---|HTTP / HTTPS | tgw
igw(Internet Gateway Bastion)
igw(Keycloak) ---|Egress Only| nat1
tgw(Route Tables/Subnets)---|RT/Sub| elb
elb(Elastic Load Balancer) ---|Passthrough-Ingressgateway| 443
elb(Elastic Load Balancer) ---|Public-Ingressgateway| 443
subgraph za [Zone A, B, C,]
nat1 --- zapriv
tgw --- zapriv
subgraph zapub [Public Subnet]
nat1(NAT Gateway)
subgraph zapriv [Private Subnet]
s1(EKS Server Node)
s2(EKS Server Node)
s3(EKS Server Node)
s4(EKS Server Node)
s1 & s3 & s2 & s4 -.- sscale(Autoscale Group: EKS Node Group)
443 & 443 -.- sscale(Autoscale Group: EKS Node Group)
subgraph store [S3 Bucket]
subgraph AWS EKS
yaml(EKS Kubeconfig)
BB Moving to EKS (ci/bb-prod) diagram
flowchart TD;
internet((Internet)) --- | EKS VPC | igw-eks
internet((Internet)) --- | Bastion VPC | igw
subgraph EKS and Bastion VPC's connected by TGW Attachment
igw-eks(Internet Gateway EKS) ---|HTTP / HTTPS / Whitelist IPS| tgw
igw(Internet Gateway Bastion) ---|SSH\nWhitelist IPs| jump
igw(Internet Gateway) ---|Egress Only| nat1
tgw(Transit Gateway and Route Tables/Subnets)---|TGW/RT/Sub| elb
tgw(Transit Gateway and Route Tables/Subnets)---|TGW/RT/Peer| cnap
elb(Elastic Load Balancer) ---|Passthrough-Ingressgateway| 443
elb(Elastic Load Balancer) ---|Public-Ingressgateway| 443
elb(Elastic Load Balancer) ---|Twistlock-Ingressgateway| 443
cnap(CNAP Transit Gateway) ---|tgw-055dbf094c1ed8bdb| AWS-CNAP-Account
subgraph za [Zone A, B, C,]
nat1 --- zapriv
jump --- zapriv
tgw --- zapriv
subgraph zapub [Public Subnet]
nat1(NAT Gateway)
jump(Bastion Server)
subgraph zapriv [Private Subnet]
s1(EKS Server Node)
s2(EKS Server Node)
s3(EKS Server Node)
s4(EKS Server Node)
s1 & s3 & s2 & s4 -.- sscale(Autoscale Group: EKS Node Group)
443 & 443 -.- sscale(Autoscale Group: EKS Node Group)
subgraph store [S3 Bucket]
subgraph AWS EKS
yaml(EKS Kubeconfig)
EKS Cluster Creation Diagram:
graph TD;
A[EKS Networks Module] -->|VPC ID| B[EKS Data AMI Module];
A -->|Private Subnet IDs| C[EKS Infrastructure];
A -->|Security Group IDs| D[EKS AWS Auth Module];
A -->|VPC ID| G[Bastion Module];
B -->|AMI ID| C;
C -->|Cluster Security Group ID| K[Security Group Rule: Worker to Cluster];
C -->|Cluster Security Group ID| L[Security Group Rule: Endpoints to Cluster];
C -->|Node Security Group ID| M[Security Group Rule: Endpoints to Nodes];
D -->|AWS Auth Configurations| C;
G -->|Instance Configuration| C;
A -->|VPC ID| H[RDS Aurora MySQL];
A -->|VPC ID| J[RDS Aurora PostgreSQL];
Edited by Daniel Stocum