Draft: Resolve "Provide tooling to migrate an active cluster from Operator Istio to Helm Istio."
requested to merge 2283-provide-tooling-to-migrate-an-active-cluster-from-operator-istio-to-helm-istio into master
3 unresolved threads
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@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ Force the deletion of this namespace:
Both Istio namespaces are now removed yet other remnants of Istio still linger in the cluster including custom resources. These also need to be removed as they will be re-instantiated via the helm deployment of Istio. There are various methods to accomplish this feat, but by far the easiest way to do this is by using the [istioctl CLI tool](https://istio.io/latest/docs/ops/diagnostic-tools/istioctl/).
Both Istio namespaces are now removed yet other remnants of Istio still linger in the cluster including custom resources. Remove them as they will be recreated via the helm deployment of Istio. The quickest way to do this is by using the [istioctl CLI tool](https://istio.io/latest/docs/ops/diagnostic-tools/istioctl/).
@@ -57,14 +57,12 @@ Proceed? (y/N) y
Enabling the Helm based version of Istio entails enabling the `istioCore` package that provides both the `istio-base` and `istiod` charts. The `istioGatewayPublic` package provides the default ingress gateway for most packages and the `istioGatewayPassthrough` provides a secondary non-TLS gated gateway for specific apps that require this like Keycloak.