include: # "Default" AWS Networking - local: '/.gitlab-ci/jobs/networking/aws/.gitlab-ci.yml' # K3D Gitlab CI job - local: '/.gitlab-ci/jobs/k3d/.gitlab-ci.yml' # RKE2 Gitlab CI jobs - local: '/.gitlab-ci/jobs/rke2/.gitlab-ci.yml' .terraformer: image: name: entrypoint: - /usr/bin/env - "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" interruptible: false variables: TF_IN_AUTOMATION: "1" before_script: # Shorten the env name down to 15 characters - echo "$TF_VAR_env" - cd ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/${TF_ROOT} - terraform version - terraform init -input=false - terraform workspace select $TF_VAR_env || terraform workspace new $TF_VAR_env - terraform validate .terraform destroy workspace: after_script: - cd ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/${TF_ROOT} - terraform workspace select default && terraform workspace delete "${TF_VAR_env}"