Quickstart terraform & Istio nodeport values
Starting at tag 1.1.0 and branch 'feature/load-balancer', the customer template moved to a NLB from a classic ELB. This changed the default nodeports to be different than the big bang default values nodeports.
I'm not sure if you intend for the customer templates to patch in the values on the configmap.yaml or if this should be fixed on the terraform nlb /variables.tf. As written, this quickstart+deployment leads to unhealthy ELB checks.
This also breaks the command in the https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/customers/template/-/tree/main/terraform#debug
export LBDNS=`aws elb describe-load-balancers --query "LoadBalancerDescriptions[? VPCId == '$VPCId' && "'!'"contains(DNSName, 'internal')].DNSName" --output text`
The correct command for a NLB is aws elbv2
which I've written here:
export LBDNS=`aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --query "LoadBalancers[? VpcId == '$VPCId'].DNSName" --output text`
Let me know which way you want to go and I can put in a PR