Re-evaluate test-values.yaml
Re-evaluate the current test-values.yaml in both Big bang and within the package
Check for duplicate configurations that are already configured within the values itself and remove them. Add additional testing if needed.
Default Values URL:
Package Test Values URL:
Duplicates found in addons.fortify for Package Test Values:
# jvmMaxRAMPercentage is a percentage of memory limit to be used for JVM heap = # jvmMaxRAMPercentage is a percentage of memory limit to be used for JVM heap
fortify_autoconfig = appProperties:\n host.validation: false\n\ndatasourceProperties:\n db.username: root\n db.password: password\n\n jdbc.url: 'jdbc:mysql://fortify-mysql:3306/ssc_db?sessionVariables=collation_connection=latin1_general_cs&rewriteBatchedStatements=true'\n\ndbMigrationProperties:\n\n migration.enabled: true\n migration.username: root\n migration.password: password\n
fortify_license = <License>\n
key_store_cert_password = dsoppassword
key_store_password = dsoppassword
mysql.metrics.resources.requests.cpu = 100m
mysql.metrics.resources.requests.memory = 256Mi
ssc.config.log4j.customXMLConfigString =
trust_store_password = dsoppassword
Edited by Matt Vasquez