Loki Issue after upgrade to 2.20.0
Describe the problem, what were you doing when you noticed the bug?
After upgrade to BB 2.20.0 from 2.19.2 we are noticing that fluentbit is no longer able to write to loki. We are seeing the following error in fluentbit logs:
[2024/03/13 11:29:39] [error] [output:loki:loki.0] logging-loki-write.logging:3100, HTTP status=403 RBAC: access denied
Provide any steps possible used to reproduce the error (ideally in an isolated fashion).
BigBang Version
What version of BigBang were you running?
We were on 2.19.2 and it was working correctly. After upgrade to 2.20.0 this issue occured.
This can be retrieved multiple ways:
# via helm
helm ls -n bigbang
# via the deployed umbrella git tag
kubectl get gitrepository -n bigbang