--- apiVersion: v1 # The repository name in registry1, excluding /ironbank/ name: "opensource/adl-initiative/elrr/elrr-aggregator" # List of tags to push for the repository in registry1 # The most specific version should be the first tag and will be shown # on ironbank.dsop.io tags: - "1.0.0" - "latest" # Build args passed to Dockerfile-COPY ARGs args: BASE_IMAGE: "redhat/openjdk/openjdk17" BASE_TAG: "1.17" # Docker image labels labels: org.opencontainers.image.title: "elrraggregator" org.opencontainers.image.description: "Image for Enterprise Learner Record Repository (ELRR) service which aggregates learner profiles" # URL to find more information on the image org.opencontainers.image.licenses: "Oracle Technology Network License" org.opencontainers.image.url: "https://github.com/US-ELRR/elrraggregator" org.opencontainers.image.vendor: "Enterprise Learner Record Repository (ELRR)" org.opencontainers.image.version: "1.0.0" mil.dso.ironbank.image.keywords: "elrr, aggregator, elrraggregator, enterprise learner record repository" # Product the image belongs to for grouping multiple images mil.dso.ironbank.product.name: "Enterprise Learner Record Repository (ELRR)" # List of resources to make available to the offline build context resources: - url: "https://github.com/US-ELRR/elrraggregator/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.tar.gz" filename: "elrraggregator-1.0.tar.gz" validation: type: "sha256" value: "bc04a256af75ae224859eab2cdb0e1dda55196474c54600b051cd8f0a51a95dd" # List of project maintainers maintainers: - email: "simeransandhu@deloitte.com" name: "Simeranjeet Sandhu" username: "ssandhu" - email: "micson@deloitte.com" name: "Michael Son" username: "micson-us"