Initial Hardened Container Submission for JupyterHub's configurable-http-proxy.
Version Information
Current version: 4.3.1
Definition of Done
Hardening manifest is created and adheres to the schema (https://repo1.dsop.io/ironbank-tools/ironbank-pipeline/-/blob/master/schema/hardening_manifest.schema.json) -
Container builds successfully through the Gitlab CI pipeline -
Branch has been merged into development
Project is configured for automatic renovate updates (if possible)
All findings have been justified per the above documentation -
Justifications have been attached to this issue -
Apply the label Approval
to indicate this container is ready for the approval phase
Approval Process (Container Hardening Team processes):
Peer review from Container Hardening Team -
Findings Approver has reviewed and approved all justifications -
Approval request has been sent to Authorizing Official -
Approval request has been processed by Authorizing Official
Edited by Al Fontaine