resolution to new file permissions STIG
Container has new findings discovered during continuous monitoring.
resolves CCE-80809-7 in this merge request
Definition of Done
All findings have been justified -
Justifications have been provided to the container hardening team -
label has been applied
Note: The justifications must be provided in a timely fashion. Failure to do so could result in new findings being identified which may start this process over.
Approval Process:
Findings Approver has reviewed and approved all justifications -
Approval request has been sent to Authorizing Official -
Approval request has been processed by Authorizing Official
Note: If the above approval process is kicked back for any reason, the Approval
label will be removed and the issue will be sent back to Open
. Any comments will be listed in this issue for you to address. Once they have been addressed, you may re-add the Approval