Submit MinIO MC for approval
Container Requirements
Use this template for each container you will be adding to the DCAR. Please include the contact information of the POC for this contianer in this template. For details on the contributor requirements, please visit the Contributor Onboarding Guide. For detailed information, please visit the Reference.
Contributor Responsibilities
Is the repo hierarchy correct? -
Is the Dockerfile correctly defined? -
If necessary, is the download.json properly formatted and filled out? -
Is there a LICENSE? -
Does the README have the necessary information?* -
Are all findings mitigated or justified?** -
Have you sent an email to the Approver with your justifications file attached?
Container Hardening Team Responsibilities
Has the submodule for this project been added to the DCCSCR repo? -
Has the .greylist been created in the dccscr-whitelists repo? -
Has a pipeline been created in Jenkins for this repo?
Final Approval
Assuming all of the previous steps have been taken, the final step is for the Approver to give an 'approval' status.
Has the Approver responded to your justifications submission, approving your container?
* If all of the requirements up to this point are met, the next step is for a member from the CHT to merge in your MR. For information regarding on next steps once your container is merged has gone through our pipeline, please visit the DCAR section of the reference.
**For guidance on this and the next step please visit our Whitelist Procedures.