Renovate does not update Dockerfile environmental variables
Renovate is missing updates for the TINI_VERSION, TINI_SHA256, and STRIMZI_VERSION environmental variables. These variables are out-of-date.
Steps to reproduce
Take a look at the Dockerfile
Compare it to Strimzi's 0.26.0 Base Dockerfile and 0.26.0 Operator Dockerfile
What is the current bug behavior?
Renovate misses the environmental variables in the Dockerfile and they have not been updated manually
What is the expected correct behavior?
All of the environmental variables are kept up to date
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Possible fixes
I don't think the TINI_* variables are needed and can probably be discarded. These are used to download the TINI in the original Dockerfile. But now we are copying from that image and are already checking the SHA in hardening_manifest.yaml. This also means you can remove the sha256sum line for TINI.
The STRIMZI_VERSION shouldn't be hardcoded and instead should use the ARG strimzi_version. Add strimzi_version to the args: section in hardening_manifest and use renovate to keep it up to date with the Strimzi version. Then, change the Dockerfile to use ENV STRIMZI_VERSION=${strimzi_version}.
Defintion of Done
Bug has been identified and corrected within the container