Update government CAs, #112 needs additional work performed
To update the DISA certs, ticket #112 (closed) put the additional ticket into the certs
directory. However, the ubi9 Dockerfile requires explicitly listing out the certificate filename in the Dockerfile.
The certs never get copied from the repo to the image. Recommendation at end of ticket to use the ubi9-minimal method of copying all certs from repo to image.
Steps to reproduce
docker run -it --entrypoint=bash --user=root registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/redhat/ubi/ubi9:9.4
# interestingly, this only shows Certificates_PKCS7_v5.11_DoD.pem and Certificates_PKCS7_v5.14_WCF.pem, so I wonder why 5.13_DoD is not getting added either. Although, that's a separate issue
ls -lta /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
What is the current bug behavior?
Although certs/Certificates_PKCS7_v5.15_WCF.pem
was added to the repo, the Dockerfile doesn't add it to the repo
Possible fixes
Compared to this ubi9 image, the ubi9-minimal repo allows for more certificates without needing to call them out in the Dockerfile because it copies the complete certs
directory from the repo to the image with COPY certs/* /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
. The main ubi9 image explicitly calls out certificates. Recommend to change to ubi9-minimal method of a single command: COPY certs/* /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
Bug has been identified and corrected within the container
Please read the Iron Bank Documentation for more info