Update Ironbank 3 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/product/packages/gitlab!322 2.36.0
- Merged
- 2
- Approved
updated -
Update Ironbank 3 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/product/packages/renovate!48 2.36.0
- Merged
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.13 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!732
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency axios to v1.7.7 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!731
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency @babel/plugin-transform-runtime to v7.25.4 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!729
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency @babel/eslint-parser to v7.25.1 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!728
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency @testing-library/react to v16.0.1 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!727
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency ts-jest to v29.2.5 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!725
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency @types/react to v18.3.5 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!723
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency @emotion/react to v11.13.3 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!722
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency @babel/preset-env to v7.25.4 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!730
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update Ironbank 3 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/product/packages/renovate!47 2.36.0
- Merged
- +6
- 5
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency @babel/core to v7.25.2 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-dashboard!714
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update Ironbank 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/product/maintained/confluence!152 2.36.0
- Merged
- +4
- 2
- Approved
updated -
Update gluon Docker tag to v0.5.4 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/product/packages/vault!198 2.36.0
- Merged
- +4
- 2
- Approved
updated -
Update Ironbank 4 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/product/packages/loki!268
- Merged
- 2
- Approved
updated -
Update Helm release grafana to 8.5.* 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/product/packages/monitoring!378
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update dependency gunicorn to v23 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/apps/sandbox/holocron/holocron-api!324
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
Update Ironbank 0 of 1 checklist item completedbig-bang/product/packages/renovate!37 2.33.0
- Merged
- +6
- 9
- Approved
updated -
SKIP UPDATE CHECK Update Helm release prometheus-node-exporter to 4.39.* 0 of 5 checklist items completedbig-bang/product/packages/monitoring!377 renovate/grafana-8.x
- Merged
- Approved