Include buildDate and scanDate in VAT import
Currently, the import only receives a "timestamp" which represents both the build date and the scan date. This has been sufficient since we always built right before scanning. In the near future, we wish to be able to re-scan old builds. VAT import needs two fields added to the import call. The "buildDate" and the "scanDate" so that proper logic can be implemented. We will still need to provide timestamp in the import after implementing this until VAT deprecates it.
Acceptance Criteria
The featured is implemented as described -
VAT has been notified that these changes have been merged
Definition of Done
Write or update any unit or integration tests -
Project pipeline runs successfully -
Staging pipeline or local VAT deployment testing runs successfully -
Solution is captured as code and/or documentation and merge requests have been submitted -
Code review completed and merge request approved/merged -
All Acceptance Criteria have been completed
Edited by Michael Simmons