... | @@ -15,3 +15,234 @@ |
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| [Job Debugging](Job-Debugging) | Rootless podman and twistcli |
| [Job Debugging](Job-Debugging) | Rootless podman and twistcli |
| [Trufflehog Findings](Trufflehog-Findings) | TODO |
| [Trufflehog Findings](Trufflehog-Findings) | TODO |
### Pipeline Stages
## Pipeline stages
### .pre (preprocess)
This stage is used to clone the `ironbank-pipeline` repository from GitLab so that the templates/stages contained within the project can be utilized in later pipeline stages.
### lint
The `lint` stage contains two jobs, `lint` and `trufflehog`.
`lint` runs a number of python scripts to validate a project's structure, and individual file structure.
`trufflehog` is a python tool to look for secrets or passwords contained in commits pushed to Repo1 (GitLab).
The `lint` scripts run, include:
#### folder-structure
The `folder_structure` function will check for the required files, and validate some of these as well, excluding the hardening manifest as a separate functions will check this.
- validate_files_exist
- validate_clamav_whitelist_config
- validate_trufflehog_config
- validate_dockerfile
- pipeline_auth_status
#### hardening manifest validation
The `hardening_manifest_validation` function will run jsonschema validation, as well as create an environment file with variables used later in the pipeline.
Job artifacts:
- project variables which are used in later pipeline stages.
#### docker file validation
Checks to make sure a proper `FROM` command is used for a project's base image
#### base image validation
If a base image is used, checks to make sure it exists in [Registry1](https://registry1.dso.mil/ironbank).
`skopeo` is used to perform the base image inspect.
Job artifacts:
- base_image.json which contains the base image digest
### artifact-secrets
This stage runs the trufflehog secret scan, as well as importing artifacts listed in the hardening manifest.
#### trufflehog
Scans for secrets and keys in commits pushed to the remote.
If there is a finding, a command is logged to demonstrate how to run the scan locally, in order to see the finding(s).
#### import artifacts
The `import artifacts` stage will download the external resources and validate that the checksums calculated upon download match the checksums provided in the `hardening_manifest.yaml` file.
Assuming this stage validates that the external resources are indeed the ones intended to be used within the container build, it passes along the external resources as artifacts in order to be used in the later `scan-artifacts` and `build` stages.
Job artifacts:
- (if provided) - external resources provided in `hardening_manifest.yaml` such as binaries, tarballs, RPMs, etc.
- (if provided) - images - a tar format of images pulled from public registries, as provided in `hardening_manifest.yaml`.
For more information on this stage, please refer to the [import-artifacts readme](https://repo1.dsop.io/ironbank-tools/ironbank-pipeline/-/blob/master/stages/artifacts-secrets/README.md).
### build
The `build` stage builds the hardened container image.
The build stage has access to any resources obtained in the `import artifacts` stage and access to the `Dockerfile` included in the container project repository.
An egress policy has been set up to ensure that there are no external calls to the internet from this stage.
The `build` stage utilizes the base image arguments provided in the project `Dockerfile` in order to build the project.
It will pull approved versions of images from Harbor for use as the base image in the container build.
The `build` stage will push the built image to the Registry1 staging registry.
Job artifacts:
- image id as IMAGE_ID, image digest as IMAGE_PODMAN_SHA, staging image name (`<staging registry URL>/<image name>:<CI_PIPELINE_ID>`) as IMAGE_FULLTAG, image name as IMAGE_NAME
For more information on this stage, please refer to the [build job readme](https://repo1.dsop.io/ironbank-tools/ironbank-pipeline/-/blob/master/stages/build/README.md).
### post build
#### create-tar
Uses `skopeo` to create a `docker-archive` tarball of the built image.
This tarball can be tested locally by running `docker load -i <path-to-tar>`.
Job artifacts:
- image tar, output as a `docker-archive`
#### create-sbom
With the use of `syft`, the pipeline generates four separate software bill of materials (SBOM).
The formats are:
| SBOM format | File type |
| -------------- | --------- |
| cyclonedx | xml |
| spdx-tag-value | txt |
| spdx-json | json |
| json | json |
### scan-logic
The intent of this script is to compare old vs new images and determine which should be scanned.
1. Write new image details (name, tag, commit, digest, build date) to env file
1. Parse New Image Packages
- Using the access_log and SBOM artifacts from previous pipeline stages, parse each file, log, and save the list of packages for use later
1. Verify Old Image
- Check if manifest exists (this is not a new tag)
- From the old image manifest:
- Check if git commit SHA is the same as old image
- Check if parent digest is the same as old image
- Check if old image has a verified signature
- Go to next step if the manifest exists, commit SHAs are the same, parent digests are the same, and the old image has a verified signature
- Otherwise, if there is a difference, log that we must scan new image and exit
1. Parse Old Image Packages
- Using the access_log and SBOM artifacts from the old image's Cosign attestation, parse, log, and save the list of packages for use later
1. Compare the package lists for old and new image
- If package list match
- Log that we can scan old image
- Update env file with old image details (name, tag, commit, digest, build date)
- If not, log that we can scan new image and exit
### scanning
The `scanning` stage is comprised of multiple image scanning jobs which run in parallel. The scanning jobs are described below.
#### anchore scan
The Anchore scan will generate CVE and compliance-related findings.
This job also utilizes Anchore's ClamAV integration, to run a malware scan on the image.
Job artifacts:
- `anchore-version.txt` - contains the Anchore version which is being used for this job.
- `anchore_api_gates_full.json` - contains DoD checks Anchore looks for in scans.
- `anchore_gates.json` - contains output of compliance checks and findings produced in Anchore scan.
- `anchore_security.json` - contains output of CVE findings produced in Anchore scan.
#### openscap compliance
The OpenSCAP compliance scan will check for any compliance-related findings.
Job artifacts:
- `oscap-version.txt` - displays the version of OpenSCAP used.
- `report.html` - OSCAP Evaluation Report, which contains a list of the rules and any findings.
#### twistlock scan
The Twistlock scan will check for CVE findings in the image.
Job artifacts:
- `{img_version}.json` - results of the Twistlock scan.
- `twistlock-version.txt` - contains the version of Twistlock used to generate the Twistlock scan results.
- {img_version}.json
### vat
This stage will not run on project master or feature branches.
The `vat` stage uses previous pipeline artifacts (notably, from the `scanning` stages) in order to populate the [Vulnerability Assessment Tracker](https://vat.dso.mil) (VAT).
VAT contains the list of the findings associated with the built image in the pipeline, where those with access can justify findings and provide approvals.
For those who are attempting to get their containers approved, they will need to provide their justifications for any findings that cannot be remediated, in the VAT.
### csv-output
The `csv-output` stage will generate CSV files for the various scans and the `<image-and-pipeline-id>-justifications.xlsx` file.
These documents can be found in the artifacts for this stage.
Job artifacts:
- `all_scans.xlsx` - compilation of all scan results in Microsoft Excel format.
- `anchore_gates.csv` - Anchore gates in CSV results.
- `anchore_security.csv` - Anchore security results in CSV format.
- `oscap.csv` - OpenSCAP results in CSV format.
- `<image-and-pipeline-id>-justifications.xlsx` - see description in previous paragraph.
- `summary.csv` - compilation of all scan results in CSV format.
- `tl.csv` - Twistlock results in CSV format.
### check cves
The `check cves` stage is configured to notify users of new unjustified or unreviewed findings.
This job uses the `vat_response.json` file from the `vat` stage, to display any findings that the user should be aware of.
The following stages will only run on master branches.
### documentation
The `documentation` stage consists of two jobs.
#### ib-manifest
Creates a JSON file with image digest and ID shasums.
#### write-json-docs
Creates JSON files with scan metadata info. Includes scan tool versions and commit shasum
Job artifacts:
- `scan_metadata.json` - provides metadata from the scans.
### Harbor
Pushes built images to `registry1.dsop.io/ironbank`, as well as performing Cosign operations.
The SBOM files, VAT response file, and Cosign signatures on the image and SBOM artifact, are all pushed to the registry in this stage.
### Upload to S3
Upload artifacts which are displayed/utilized by the [Iron Bank website](https://ironbank.dso.mil).
The artifacts uploaded include scan reports, project README, project LICENSE, and others.
</details> |
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