- name: Login to OpenShift cluster
  command: "oc login -u system:admin --config={{ kube_conf }}"

- name: Extract current node configuration
    state: directory
  register: temp_dir

- command: oc extract cm/node-config-compute -n openshift-node --to={{ temp_dir.path }}
  register: cm_path

- name: 6.8 Network Policy Change Compute Nodes
  command: grep -A1 networkpolicy {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "net_policy_compute_node.rc == 2"
  register: net_policy_compute_node

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: networkConfig.networkPluginName
    value: "redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy"
  when: net_policy_compute_node.stdout == ""

#- yedit:
#    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
#    key: networkConfig.mtu
#    value: 8951

- name: 7.1 Use Security Context Constraints to prevent privileged containers from running
  command: grep -A1 allow-privileged {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "allow_priv.rc == 2"
  register: allow_priv

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.allow-privileged
    state: absent
  when: allow_priv.stdout != ""

- name: 7.2 Ensure anonymous-auth is not disabled
  command: grep -A1 anonymous-auth {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "anon_auth.rc == 2"
  register: anon_auth

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.anonymous-auth
    state: absent
  when: anon_auth.stdout != ""

- name: 7.3 Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is set to WebHook
  command: grep -A1 authorization-mode {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "auth_mode.rc == 2"
  register: auth_mode

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.authorization-mode
    state: absent
  when: auth_mode.stdout != ""

- name: 7.4 Ensure that the OpenShift default for the client-ca-file argument is not changed
  command: grep -A1 client-ca-file {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "client_ca.rc == 2"
  register: client_ca

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.client-ca-file
    state: absent
  when: client_ca.stdout != ""

- name: 7.5 Maintain the OpenShift default setting for the read-only-port argument
  command: grep -A1 client-ca-file {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "ro_port.rc == 2"
  register: ro_port

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.read-only-port
    state: absent
  when: ro_port.stdout != ""

- name: 7.6 Adjust the streaming-connection-idle-timeout argument
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.streaming-connection-idle-timeout`
    #value: "- \"5m\""
    value: "- '5m'"
    state: present

- name: 7.7 Maintain the OpenShift defaults for the protect-kernel-defaults argument
  command: grep -A1 protect-kernel-defaults {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "kern_def.rc == 2"
  register: kern_def

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.protect-kernel-defaults
    state: absent
  when: kern_def.stdout != ""

- name: 7.8 Maintain the OpenShift default value of true for the make-iptables-util-chains argument
  command: grep -A1 make-iptables-util-chains {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "ip_tables.rc == 2"
  register: ip_tables

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.make-iptables-util-chains
    state: absent
  when: ip_tables.stdout != ""

- name: 7.11 Configure the --event-qps argument to 0
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.event-qps
    value: "- '0'"
    state: present

- name: 7.12 Do not set the --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file arguments
  command: grep -A1 tls-cert-file {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "tls_cert.rc == 2"
  register: tls_cert

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.tls-cert-file
    state: absent
  when: tls_cert.stdout != ""

- command: grep -A1 tls-private-key-file {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "tls_key.rc == 2"
  register: tls_key

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.tls-private-key-file
    state: absent
  when: tls_key.stdout != ""

- name: 7.13 Maintain the OpenShift default of 0 for the cadvisor-port argument
  command: grep -A1 cadvisor-port {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "cadvisor.rc == 2"
  register: cadvisor

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.cadvisor-port
    state: absent
  when: cadvisor.stdout != ""

- name: 7.14 and 7.15 Ensure that the RotateKubeletClientCertificate/RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is not set to false
  command: grep -E 'RotateKubeletClientCertificate=true.*RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true' {{ cm_path.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "kube_certs.rc == 2"
  register: kube_certs

- lineinfile:
    path: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    regexp: 'RotateKubelet(Client|Server)Certificate=(true|false)'
    state: absent
  when: kube_certs.stdout == ""

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path.stdout }}"
    key: kubeletArguments.feature-gates
    value: "- RotateKubeletClientCertificate=true,RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
    state: present
  when: kube_certs.stdout == ""

- name: Save modified node configuration
  command: oc create configmap node-config-compute-update --from-file {{ cm_path.stdout }} -n openshift-node

- command: oc delete configmap node-config-compute -n openshift-node

- command: oc create configmap node-config-compute --from-file {{ cm_path.stdout }} -n openshift-node

- command: oc delete configmap node-config-compute-update -n openshift-node

- name: Extract infra node config map
  command: oc extract cm/node-config-infra -n openshift-node --to={{ temp_dir.path }}
  register: cm_path_infra

- name: 6.8 Network Policy Change Infra Nodes
  command: grep -A1 networkpolicy {{ cm_path_infra.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "net_policy_infra_node.rc == 2"
  register: net_policy_infra_node

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path_infra.stdout }}"
    key: networkConfig.networkPluginName
    value: "redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy"
  when: net_policy_infra_node.stdout == ""

- name: Save modified infra node configuration
  command: oc create configmap node-config-infra-update --from-file {{ cm_path_infra.stdout }} -n openshift-node

- command: oc delete configmap node-config-infra -n openshift-node

- command: oc create configmap node-config-infra --from-file {{ cm_path_infra.stdout }} -n openshift-node

- command: oc delete configmap node-config-infra-update -n openshift-node

- name: Extract master node config map
  command: oc extract cm/node-config-master -n openshift-node --to={{ temp_dir.path }}
  register: cm_path_master

- name: 6.8 Network Policy Change Master Nodes
  command: grep -A1 networkpolicy {{ cm_path_master.stdout }}
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: "net_policy_master_node.rc == 2"
  register: net_policy_master_node

- yedit:
    src: "{{ cm_path_master.stdout }}"
    key: networkConfig.networkPluginName
    value: "redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy"
  when: net_policy_master_node.stdout == ""

- name: Save modified master node configuration
  command: oc create configmap node-config-master-update --from-file {{ cm_path_master.stdout }} -n openshift-node

- command: oc delete configmap node-config-master -n openshift-node

- command: oc create configmap node-config-master --from-file {{ cm_path_master.stdout }} -n openshift-node

- command: oc delete configmap node-config-master-update -n openshift-node

# Tasks to do to update sdn for nodes (might need to update other playbooks)
- name: Stop node service
  command: systemctl stop atomic-openshift-node.service

- name: Restart OpenShift SDN on all masters and nodes
  command: oc delete pod --all -n openshift-sdn
  delegate_to: localhost

- name: Restart node service
  command: systemctl restart atomic-openshift-node.service
# Not changing to third party plugin so no more needed

- name: Restart Master API
  command: /usr/local/bin/master-restart api
  register: mra
  failed_when: mra.rc != 0
  when: "'netpolicy' not in netpol.stdout"

- name: Restart Master Controllers
  command: /usr/local/bin/master-restart controllers
  register: mrc
  failed_when: mrc.rc != 0
  when: "'netpolicy' not in netpol.stdout"