Project 'platform-one/big-bang/apps/core/elasticsearch-kibana' was moved to 'big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path. 1.30 KiB
Logs from the ECK stack
- ECK stack deployed
Getting Started
Login to Kibana
- username: elastic
- Password : can be obtained by querying kubectl get secrets -n logging logging-ek-es-elastic-user -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode}}'
Create an Index by clicking the Management icon in the left menu and clicking Index patterns under Kibana. In the Create Index patterns enter <logstash-*> and click create index pattern. In the the next step Click on the dropdown and select "@timestamp"
For Search click on Discovery from the side menu
In KQL textbox enter : elastic
Click Refresh/Update
Note: Logs from the monitoring stack can be viewd on Kibana. The default index pattern is logstash-*. Logs for the entire ECK stack can be procured by filtering on the "elastic" namespace.
Further filters that can be used are:
=Kibana Pod Name
to get logs from a specific pod-
to get logs from kibana container
Elasticsearch Pods
to get logs from a specific # pod-
to get logs from a specific container within the pod