In all packages, update renovate.json to bump Chart.yaml, add changelog entry, and regenerate readme
This can be done by utilizing the allowedPostUpgradeCommands sourcing and utilizing these functions
Package pipeline passes (assuming the image upgrade is seamless) -
If there are no changes in the upstream chart, the MR could be approved/merged as-is by a package owner.
Packages affected:
🟡 - Implemented but not merged
🟢 - Merged
Cluster Utilities
🟢 Velero
Third Party
🟢 Fortify
🟡 Cloudbees CI Submitted and marked for review/consideration by third party. Will not attempt to force issue per Micah
🟡 Rapidfort Submitted and marked for review/consideration by third party. Will not attempt to force issue per Micah
🟢 Jira
🟢 Kyverno
🟢 Loki
🟢 Vault
🟢 Promtail
🟢 Tempo
Application Utilities
🟢 Minio
🟢 Redis
🟡 MySQL Submitted and marked for review/consideration by third party. Will not attempt to force issue per Micah
Security Tools
🟢 Keycloak
Developer Tools
🟢 Nexus
🟢 Gitlab
🟢 Haproxy
Collaboration Tools
🟢 Jaeger
🟢 Authservice - Works, currently using Match app version
🟢 Kiali (Matches KPT Upstream)
🟢 ArgoCD