Logging package using PLG stack (Loki)
Feature Request
The current BB logging functionality is done with Elasticsearch, Fluentbit, and Kibana (EFK). This stack is very resource heavy, thus making it suboptimal (if not outright impossible) to use for resource-constrained environments, particularly in certain edge deployments. Promtail, Loki, and Grafana (PLG) is an alternative stack which uses significantly less resources thus making it more optimal for deployments into these types of environments.
Proposed Solution
This proposal is for the creation of a new Big Bang core logging module using the PLG stack and providing it as an alternative to the current EFK logging stack. This issue will not be responsible for changing the Jaeger/elasticsearch relationship and should focus solely on changing the logging solution.
Links and Other References
- GitHub
- Jira ticket
- Cluster logging ADR #373 (closed)
- Upstream Helm Docs