Gitlab Object Storage use_iam_role
Unable to use IAM role with gitlab object storage
provide the following for the object storage values
type: "s3"
endpoint: "s3.<region>.<host>"
region: <region>
bucketPrefix: "minio"
iamProfile: true
the chart will still include the accesskey and secretkey with empty values and no use_iam_profile.
BigBang Version
What version of BigBang were you running? 1.17.0
for each element in the yaml (rails,registry and backup) we need to check if the iamProfile is set.
{{- if hasKey .Values.addons.gitlab.objectStorage "iamProfile" }}
iam_profile: true
{{- end}}
{{- if hasKey .Values.addons.gitlab.objectStorage "accessKey" }}
aws_access_key_id: {{ .Values.addons.gitlab.objectStorage.accessKey }}
aws_secret_access_key: {{ .Values.addons.gitlab.objectStorage.accessSecret }}
{{- end }}