Use OPA Gatekeeper with kube-system namespace exception
Package Owner Merge Request
NOTE: !722 (merged) contains changes that should be approved first since this change will include that one.
Package Changes
Additional Details
Removes kube-system from big bang exclusions. Instead defaults to a namespace exclusion in OPA's config.
Merge request reports
added ~2865 statusreview labels
added 7 commits
930b878b...aecaa1e6 - 6 commits from branch
- 4c3abb86 - Merge branch 'master' into 'exclude-kube-system-from-gatekeeper'
930b878b...aecaa1e6 - 6 commits from branch
added 3 commits
4c3abb86...711a5af3 - 2 commits from branch
- 05c98d27 - Merge branch 'master' into exclude-kube-system-from-gatekeeper
4c3abb86...711a5af3 - 2 commits from branch
added anchore argocd authservice clusterAuditor eckoperator elasticsearch fluentbit flux gatekeeper gitlab gitlabRunner haproxy istio jaeger kiali logging mattermost mattermostoperator minio minioOperator monitoring nexus sonarqube twistlock velero labels and removed ~2865 label
added 1 commit
- d47693d9 - fix(gatekeeper): bad formatting for volumetype
added ~2865 label and removed anchore argocd authservice eckoperator elasticsearch fluentbit flux gatekeeper gitlab gitlabRunner haproxy istio jaeger kiali logging mattermost mattermostoperator minio minioOperator monitoring nexus sonarqube twistlock velero labels
removed clusterAuditor label
mentioned in commit 60902144
mentioned in issue #631 (closed)
mentioned in issue #646 (closed)
mentioned in commit c5dc1569
mentioned in issue #632 (closed)
mentioned in issue #634 (closed)
mentioned in merge request micah.nagel/micahnagel!122 (closed)
mentioned in merge request micah.nagel/micahnagel!123 (closed)
mentioned in merge request micah.nagel/micahnagel!124 (closed)
mentioned in merge request micah.nagel/micahnagel!125 (closed)
mentioned in merge request micah.nagel/micahnagel!126 (closed)