Enable monitoring istio injection
Package Owner Merge Request
Package Changes
- enable istio-injection on monitoring namespace
- added prometheus sidecar config
- added containers to terminate istio-proxy when admissionWebhook job completes
- egress network policy to istio resources
- Istio AuthorizationPolicy for intra monitoring namespace communications (previously were being protected by authservice)
- Istio AuthorizationPolicy for Kiali to prometheus communications
BigBang Changes
- Removing virtualservice values for monitoring package to not point to haproxy, but reverting back to the normal istio-injected prometheus/alertmanager services.
- Added authservice as monitoring HelmRelease dependency
Links to all MRs that are associated with this change are required.
- https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/core/monitoring/-/merge_requests/74
- https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/core/monitoring/-/merge_requests/80
- https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/core/monitoring/-/merge_requests/85
- https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/core/monitoring/-/merge_requests/88
Additional Details
Closes https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/core/monitoring/-/issues/23
Closes https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/core/monitoring/-/issues/48
Closes #872 (closed)
Add any labels for affected packages so that they are deployed in CI. See example:
Once the MR is ready for review also add the status::review
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %1.18.0
added istio monitoring labels
added 3 commits
7d4313e3...63082bd3 - 2 commits from branch
- a669b103 - enable istio injection
7d4313e3...63082bd3 - 2 commits from branch
added 24 commits
44aa8cdf...ceb8f871 - 20 commits from branch
- 2077514a - enable istio injection
- ad0b8d1b - update monitoring tag
- 921740c2 - remove HAproxy/add protect: keycloak label
- c5243bfb - remove monitoring conditional
Toggle commit list-
44aa8cdf...ceb8f871 - 20 commits from branch
mentioned in issue #813 (closed)
added 1 commit
- 0a53b708 - Update monitoring to latest tag in values.yaml
changed milestone to %1.19.0
added 8 commits
- a669b103 - enable istio injection
- e1ffcb69 - update monitoring tag
- e4772946 - remove HAproxy/add protect: keycloak label
- 44aa8cdf - remove monitoring conditional
- 8095cbf5 - Merge branch 'enable-monitoring-istio-injection' of...
- e9a0eea7 - ZQMerge branch 'enable-monitoring-istio-injection' of...
- 3b2ea7fa - Merge branch 'enable-monitoring-istio-injection' of...
- 7271324b - Finalizing MR for monitoring istio injection
Toggle commit listadded 43 commits
7271324b...4f9d1b8e - 33 commits from branch
- 3af98fb8 - enable istio injection
- caa19175 - update monitoring tag
- d0bf2be4 - remove HAproxy/add protect: keycloak label
- 5d8ccf72 - remove monitoring conditional
- 223aff5e - NPs off; monitoring dependsOn; sso values
- 57f8afd5 - enable network policies
- 340f7f00 - revert changes for testing sso
- 44c28417 - Update monitoring to latest tag in values.yaml
- b8d15bd9 - Finalizing MR for monitoring istio injection
- 28974f9f - Merge branch 'enable-monitoring-istio-injection' of...
Toggle commit list-
7271324b...4f9d1b8e - 33 commits from branch
added statusreview label