Resolve "Need to add retries to pre var stage"
Package Owner Merge Request
Package Changes
What package changes are included with this merge request? The more detail here the better!
Links to all MRs that are associated with this change are required.
If the package is set up for releases, also link the package release page for the new tag here.
Additional Details
If possible, provide additional details that will help with the merge request.
Known issues or expected conflicts?
Also, include any issues closed with "Closes #ISSUE_NUMBER". See example:
Closes #ISSUE_NUMBER (paste the issue link for package issues, #ISSUE_NUMBER assumes BB issue)
Add any labels for affected packages so that they are deployed in CI. See example:
Once the MR is ready for review also add the status::review
Closes #836 (closed)
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %1.19.0
added statusdoing teamci/pipelines labels
Pipeline passes with error from a known Kiali issue during the upgrade stage.
Retry stages have been added to all of the functions in the gitlab-ci.yaml.
removed statusdoing label
added statusreview label
requested review from @micah.nagel and @ryan.j.garcia
mentioned in commit 6cf87aa9
mentioned in issue #636 (closed)
mentioned in issue #637 (closed)