## Development Environment Setup for golang

- Ensure a `.env` file exists at the root of `<<projectName-local-dev>>` and has the required properties. Example:

  # (Add other variables as needed)

- Run locally with hot reloading via Air: `docker compose up`

### Debugging

If running <<projectName>> via the steps above, debugging is already enabled via Delve. If the env var `DEBUGGER_ARGS`
includes `--continue`, the application will start up and then allow you to attach a debugger. However, if you want to
debug any of the initialization/startup steps (e.g. `main()`, etc.), you will have
to remove `--continue` from `DEBUGGER_ARGS` and restart the `<<projectName>>-api` container. This will halt startup until there is a
debugger attached, allowing you to debug initialization steps in the code.

To connect your IDE to the running instance, set up your debugger to connect to a Go "remote" or "server"
via `port: 40000`.