<template> <div class="services-summary mt-8"> <v-container fluid> <v-layout row wrap justify-center name="services-summary"> <v-flex lg2 md3 sm6 xs12> <LogoCard :logoSource="ibLogo" logoCardText="Download DoD-wide approved containers or harden with Iron Bank" logoCardUrl="/products/iron-bank/" /> </v-flex> <v-flex lg2 md3 sm6 xs12> <LogoCard :logoSource="pbLogo" logoCardText="Get hands-on experience onboarding with ABMS ADCE Party Bus" logoCardUrl="/products/abms-adce/" /> </v-flex> <v-flex lg2 md3 sm6 xs12> <LogoCard :logoSource="bbLogo" logoCardText="Deploy your own software factory with Big Bang" logoCardUrl="/products/big-bang/" /> </v-flex> <v-flex lg2 md3 sm6 xs12> <LogoCard :logoSvg="cnapLogo" logoCardText="Provide access to development, testing and production enclaves" logoCardUrl="/products/cnap/" /> </v-flex> <!-- REMAINING FOR: Enterprise Collaboration and Cyber Security <v-flex lg2 md3 sm6 xs12> <LogoCard :logoSource="" logoCardText="Enterprise Collaboration tools and solutions for your team" /> </v-flex> <v-flex lg2 md3 sm6 xs12> <LogoCard :logoSource="" logoCardText="Stay secured with our Cybersecurity team processes" /> </v-flex> --> </v-layout> </v-container> </div> </template> <script> import LogoCard from "@/components/Base/LogoCard"; import IBLogo from "@/assets/images/logos/Iron_Bank_Logo_LIGHT.png"; import PBLogo from "@/assets/images/logos/Party_Bus_logo_low_res-01.png"; import BBLogo from "@/assets/images/logos/Big_Bang_Color_Logo_Black_text.png"; import CNAPlogo from "@/assets/images/logos/CNAP_logo.svg"; export default { name: "ServicesSummary", components: { LogoCard, }, data() { return { ibLogo: IBLogo, pbLogo: PBLogo, bbLogo: BBLogo, cnapLogo: CNAPlogo, }; }, }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .services-summary { .row { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .service-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; padding-left: 2rem; padding-right: 2rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; a { .btn-link { word-wrap: none; } } h4 { margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; } @include xs { align-items: flex-start; text-align: left; h4 { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } } } } </style>