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Input Filter

abhayashrestha requested to merge input_filter into master


  • Autocomplete values now get reset when organization or value gets erased.
  • User can now create string matching organization and value stream, but with different name
  • The reports, and boards on Onboarding form get updated once the user is finished Onboarding or updating and get rerouted thanks to location.key.
  • User can't pick empty spaces for organization, valuestream, and team name


  • Allow users to only input characters for team, valueStream, and organization in the regex of letters(upper or lower case), numbers, underscores, and dashes for Onboarding form.
  • Match user regexes and display error message if there is a matching regex for team, valueastream, and organization name for Onboarding form.


  • Split up the reducer hook for Onboarding to different files for more manageability.
  • Removed fowardRef for ListLinkItem due to possibility of XSS with React refs. And also, the component worked the way it did without the need for any of it.
Edited by abhayashrestha

Merge request reports