andrew.greene authoredandrew.greene authored
overview.md 1.26 KiB
KubeVirt is a CNCF incubating project hosted on github to run virtual machines in Kubernetes.
Run virtual machines in Kubernetes, full integration with Big Bang is in progress.
helm install kv ./chart --create-namespace --namespace=kubevirt
With default values, Kubevirt will deploy the following:
- 2 virt-operators pods
- 2 virt-api pods
- 2 virt-controllers pods
- 3 virt-handlers pods
- 13 custom resource definitions
Per KubeVirt documentation the kubevirt custom resource should be deleted prior to removal of the operator.
kubectl delete -n kubevirt kubevirt kubevirt --wait=true
helm uninstall kubevirt --namespace=kubevirt
kubectl delete ns kubevirt
kubectl delete crd kubevirts.kubevirt.io
Updating the KubeVirt Big Bang Chart
The helm chart needs to be created from raw manifests, as no equivalent alternative is publicly supported.
- Generate the chart manifests
export VERSION=x.y.z # must manually set version
make update-chart
make clean
- Review changes, update, and commit
This project uses the Apache License version 2.0
Project status
Active Development