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Commit a36214b2 authored by andrew.greene's avatar andrew.greene Committed by Rob Mengert
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feat: Kubevirt BigBang Integration

parent abd26cc8
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1 merge request!24feat: Kubevirt BigBang Integration
Showing with 426 additions and 11 deletions
...@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ ...@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@
Format: [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) Format: [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
## [0.1.3-alpha-bb.7] - unreleased ## [0.0.1-bb.0] - 2022-06-17
### Added
- Initial Kubevirt v0.53.1
## [0.1.3-alpha]
### Added
- Update Kubevirt to v0.53.1 - Update Kubevirt to v0.53.1
- Script written with skopeo in order to synchronize images between public locations and repo1 - Script written with skopeo in order to synchronize images between public locations and repo1
- Pipeline fixes - Pipeline fixes
- issue templates, cleanup - Initial Chart creation
- Adding imagePullSecret injection for kubevirt operator and dynamic resources.
## [0.1.3-alpha-bb.0] - 2022-06-24
- Initial Chart creation
\ No newline at end of file
# bigbang-kubevirt
![Version: 0.0.1-bb.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-0.0.1--bb.0-informational?style=flat-square) ![Type: application](https://img.shields.io/badge/Type-application-informational?style=flat-square) ![AppVersion: 0.53.1](https://img.shields.io/badge/AppVersion-0.53.1-informational?style=flat-square)
BigBang compatible Helm chart for kubevirt
## Learn More
* [Application Overview](docs/overview.md)
* [Other Documentation](docs/)
## Pre-Requisites
* Kubernetes Cluster deployed
* Kubernetes config installed in `~/.kube/config`
* Helm installed
Install Helm
## Deployment
* Clone down the repository
* cd into directory
helm install bigbang-kubevirt chart/
## Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| kubevirt.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| kubevirt.git.repo | string | `"https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/third-party/kubevirt"` | |
| kubevirt.git.branch | string | `"image_pull_secrets"` | |
| kubevirt.git.path | string | `"chart"` | |
| kubevirt.flux | object | `{}` | |
| monitoring.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| logging.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| clusterAuditor.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| gatekeeper.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| eckoperator.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| kiali.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| jaeger.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| fluentbit.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| twistlock.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| flux.timeout | string | `"10m"` | |
| flux.interval | string | `"2m"` | |
| flux.test.enable | bool | `false` | |
| flux.install.remediation.retries | int | `-1` | |
| flux.upgrade.remediation.retries | int | `-1` | |
| flux.upgrade.remediation.remediateLastFailure | bool | `true` | |
| flux.upgrade.cleanupOnFail | bool | `true` | |
| flux.rollback.timeout | string | `"10m"` | |
| flux.rollback.cleanupOnFail | bool | `true` | |
## Contributing
Please see the [contributing guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md) if you are interested in contributing.
# kubevirt # kubevirt
![Version: 0.1.3-alpha-bb.7](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-0.1.3--alpha--bb.7-informational?style=flat-square) ![Type: application](https://img.shields.io/badge/Type-application-informational?style=flat-square) ![AppVersion: 0.53.1](https://img.shields.io/badge/AppVersion-0.53.1-informational?style=flat-square) ![Version: 0.0.1-bb.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-0.0.1--bb.0-informational?style=flat-square) ![Type: application](https://img.shields.io/badge/Type-application-informational?style=flat-square) ![AppVersion: 0.53.1](https://img.shields.io/badge/AppVersion-0.53.1-informational?style=flat-square)
KubeVirt Big Bang package KubeVirt helm chart package
## Learn More ## Learn More
* [Application Overview](docs/overview.md) * [Application Overview](docs/overview.md)
...@@ -40,6 +99,7 @@ helm install kubevirt chart/ ...@@ -40,6 +99,7 @@ helm install kubevirt chart/
| deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.ports.webhooksPort | int | `8444` | | | deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.ports.webhooksPort | int | `8444` | |
| deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"10m"` | | | deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"10m"` | |
| deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.requests.memory | string | `"150Mi"` | | | deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.requests.memory | string | `"150Mi"` | |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
## Contributing ## Contributing
apiVersion: v2
name: bigbang-kubevirt
description: BigBang compatible Helm chart for kubevirt
type: application
version: 0.0.1-bb.0
appVersion: "0.53.1"
# Big Bang compatible Helm chart
This helm chart deploys the application using the same methods and values as Big Bang.
## Prerequisites
- Kubernetes cluster matching [Big Bang's Prerequisites](https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/bigbang/-/tree/master/docs/guides/prerequisites)
- [FluxCD](https://fluxcd.io/) running in the cluster
- The [Big Bang git repository](https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/bigbang) cloned into `~/bigbang`
- [Helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/)
## Usage
### Installation
1. Install Big Bang
`helm upgrade -i -n bigbang --create-namespace -f ~/bigbang/chart/values.yaml -f bigbang/values.yaml bigbang ~/bigbang/chart`
1. Install this chart
`helm upgrade -i -n bigbang --create-namespace -f ~/bigbang/chart/values.yaml -f bigbang/values.yaml bigbang-kubevirt bigbang`
### Removal
`helm delete -n bigbang bigbang-kubevirt`
{{- define "imagePullSecret" }}
{{- if .Values.registryCredentials -}}
{{- $credType := typeOf .Values.registryCredentials -}}
{{- /* If we have a list, embed that here directly. This allows for complex configuration from configmap, downward API, etc. */ -}}
{{- if eq $credType "[]interface {}" -}}
{{- include "multipleCreds" . | b64enc }}
{{- else if eq $credType "map[string]interface {}" }}
{{- /* If we have a map, treat those as key-value pairs. */ -}}
{{- if and .Values.registryCredentials.username .Values.registryCredentials.password }}
{{- with .Values.registryCredentials }}
{{- printf "{\"auths\":{\"%s\":{\"username\":\"%s\",\"password\":\"%s\",\"email\":\"%s\",\"auth\":\"%s\"}}}" .registry .username .password .email (printf "%s:%s" .username .password | b64enc) | b64enc }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "multipleCreds" -}}
"auths": {
{{- range $i, $m := .Values.registryCredentials }}
{{- /* Only create entry if resulting entry is valid */}}
{{- if and $m.registry $m.username $m.password }}
{{- if $i }},{{ end }}
"{{ $m.registry }}": {
"username": "{{ $m.username }}",
"password": "{{ $m.password }}",
"email": "{{ $m.email | default "" }}",
"auth": "{{ printf "%s:%s" $m.username $m.password | b64enc }}"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
Build the appropriate spec.ref.{} given git branch, commit values
{{- define "validRef" -}}
{{- if .commit -}}
{{- if not .branch -}}
{{- fail "A valid branch is required when a commit is specified!" -}}
{{- end -}}
branch: {{ .branch | quote }}
commit: {{ .commit }}
{{- else if .semver -}}
semver: {{ .semver | quote }}
{{- else if .tag -}}
tag: {{ .tag }}
{{- else -}}
branch: {{ .branch | quote }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
Build the appropriate git credentials secret for private git repositories
{{- define "gitCreds" -}}
{{- if .Values.git.existingSecret -}}
name: {{ .Values.git.existingSecret }}
{{- else if coalesce .Values.git.credentials.username .Values.git.credentials.password .Values.git.credentials.caFile .Values.git.credentials.privateKey .Values.git.credentials.publicKey .Values.git.credentials.knownHosts "" -}}
{{- /* Input validation happens in git-credentials.yaml template */ -}}
name: {{ $.Release.Name }}-git-credentials
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
Build common set of file extensions to include/exclude
{{- define "gitIgnore" -}}
ignore: |
# exclude file extensions
{{- end -}}
Common labels for all objects
{{- define "commonLabels" -}}
app.kubernetes.io/instance: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
app.kubernetes.io/version: "{{ .Chart.Version }}"
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: "bigbang"
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: "flux"
{{- end -}}
{{- define "values-secret" -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ .root.Release.Name }}-{{ .name }}-values
namespace: {{ .root.Release.Namespace }}
type: generic
common: |
defaults: {{- toYaml .defaults | nindent 4 }}
overlays: |
{{- toYaml .package.values | nindent 4 }}
{{- end -}}
bigbang.addValueIfSet can be used to nil check parameters before adding them to the values.
Expects a list with the following params:
* [0] - (string) <yaml_key_to_add>
* [1] - (interface{}) <value_to_check>
No output is generated if <value> is undefined, however, explicitly set empty values
(i.e. `username=""`) will be passed along. All string fields will be quoted.
Example command:
- `{{ (list "name" .username) | include "bigbang.addValueIfSet" }}`
* When `username: Aniken`
-> `name: "Aniken"`
* When `username: ""`
-> `name: ""`
* When username is not defined
-> no output
{{- define "bigbang.addValueIfSet" -}}
{{- $key := (index . 0) }}
{{- $value := (index . 1) }}
{{- /*If the value is explicitly set (even if it's empty)*/}}
{{- if not (kindIs "invalid" $value) }}
{{- /*Handle strings*/}}
{{- if kindIs "string" $value }}
{{- printf "\n%s" $key }}: {{ $value | quote }}
{{- /*Hanldle slices*/}}
{{- else if kindIs "slice" $value }}
{{- printf "\n%s" $key }}:
{{- range $value }}
{{- if kindIs "string" . }}
{{- printf "\n - %s" (. | quote) }}
{{- else }}
{{- printf "\n - %v" . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*Handle other types (no quotes)*/}}
{{- else }}
{{- printf "\n%s" $key }}: {{ $value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
Annotation for Istio version
{{- define "istioAnnotation" -}}
{{- if .Values.istio.git.semver -}}
bigbang.dev/istioVersion: {{ .Values.istio.git.semver | trimSuffix (regexFind "-bb.*" .Values.istio.git.semver) }}
{{- else if .Values.istio.git.tag -}}
bigbang.dev/istioVersion: {{ .Values.istio.git.tag | trimSuffix (regexFind "-bb.*" .Values.istio.git.tag) }}
{{- else if .Values.istio.git.branch -}}
bigbang.dev/istioVersion: {{ .Values.istio.git.branch }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $pkg := "kubevirt" }}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: GitRepository
name: {{ $pkg }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ $pkg }}
{{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
interval: {{ .Values.flux.interval }}
url: {{ (get .Values $pkg).git.repo }}
{{- include "validRef" (get .Values $pkg).git | nindent 4 }}
{{ include "gitIgnore" . }}
{{- end }}
{{- $pkg := "kubevirt" }}
{{- $fluxSettings := merge (get .Values $pkg).flux .Values.flux -}}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
name: {{ $pkg }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ $pkg }}
{{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
targetNamespace: {{ $pkg }}
chart: {{ (get .Values $pkg).git.path }}
interval: 5m
kind: GitRepository
name: {{ $pkg }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
{{- toYaml $fluxSettings | nindent 2 }}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).postRenderers }}
{{ toYaml (get .Values $pkg).postRenderers | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}
- name: {{ .Release.Name }}-{{ $pkg }}-values
kind: Secret
valuesKey: "common"
- name: {{ .Release.Name }}-{{ $pkg }}-values
kind: Secret
valuesKey: "defaults"
- name: {{ .Release.Name }}-{{ $pkg }}-values
kind: Secret
valuesKey: "overlays"
{{- end }}
{{- $pkg := "kubevirt" }}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
{{- if ( include "imagePullSecret" . ) }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: private-registry
namespace: {{ $pkg }}
app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ $pkg }}
{{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
.dockerconfigjson: {{ template "imagePullSecret" . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $pkg := "kubevirt" }}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: {{ $pkg }}
app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ $pkg }}
{{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
{{- end }}
{{- $pkg := "kubevirt" }}
{{- define "bigbang.defaults.kubevirt" -}}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Create secret */ -}}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
{{- include "values-secret" (dict "root" $ "package" (get .Values $pkg) "name" $pkg "defaults" (include (printf "bigbang.defaults.%s" $pkg) .)) }}
{{- end }}
enabled: true
repo: https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/apps/third-party/kubevirt
branch: image_pull_secrets
path: chart
flux: {}
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
timeout: 10m
interval: 2m
enable: false
retries: -1
retries: -1
remediateLastFailure: true
cleanupOnFail: true
timeout: 10m
cleanupOnFail: true
\ No newline at end of file
apiVersion: v2 apiVersion: v2
name: kubevirt name: kubevirt
description: KubeVirt Big Bang package description: KubeVirt helm chart package
type: application type: application
version: 0.1.3-alpha-bb.7 version: 0.0.1-bb.0
appVersion: "0.53.1" appVersion: "0.53.1"
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ spec: ...@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ spec:
prometheus.kubevirt.io: "true" prometheus.kubevirt.io: "true"
name: virt-operator name: virt-operator
spec: spec:
{{- with .Values.imagePullSecrets }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
affinity: affinity:
podAntiAffinity: podAntiAffinity:
preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
...@@ -8,9 +8,26 @@ spec: ...@@ -8,9 +8,26 @@ spec:
configuration: configuration:
developerConfiguration: developerConfiguration:
featureGates: [] featureGates: []
customizeComponents: {}
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
imageRegistry: {{ .Values.deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.image.registry }} imageRegistry: {{ .Values.deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.image.registry }}
infra: infra:
replicas: {{ .Values.deployment.spec.replicas }} replicas: {{ .Values.deployment.spec.replicas }}
workloadUpdateStrategy: {} workloadUpdateStrategy: {}
{{- if .Values.imagePullSecrets }}
- resourceType: Deployment
resourceName: virt-api
patch: '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets","value":{{- .Values.imagePullSecrets | toJson }}}]'
type: json
- resourceType: Deployment
resourceName: virt-controller
patch: '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets","value":{{- .Values.imagePullSecrets | toJson }}}]'
type: json
- resourceType: DaemonSet
resourceName: virt-handler
patch: '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets","value":{{- .Values.imagePullSecrets | toJson }}}]'
type: json
{{- else }}
customizeComponents: {}
{{- end }}
...@@ -19,3 +19,11 @@ deployment: ...@@ -19,3 +19,11 @@ deployment:
requests: requests:
cpu: 10m cpu: 10m
memory: 150Mi memory: 150Mi
# Example of imagePullSecrets settings for private registry access.
# The secrets themselves are created through the bigbang flux integration.
# imagePullSecrets:
# - name: private-registry
# - name: repo1-read-creds
imagePullSecrets: []
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