# Velero
## Overview
Velero is an open source tool to safely backup and restore, perform disaster recovery, and migrate Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.
## Big Bang Touch Points
graph TB
subgraph "Velero"
subgraph "Metrics"
velero --> prometheus
subgraph "Object Storage"
velero --> minio/s3
### Architecture:
- [How Velero works](
### Storage
Data from velero is stored in object storage and configuration is based upon the [provider](
### Istio Configuration
Istio is disabled in the velero chart by default and can be enabled by setting the following values in the bigbang chart:
enabled: true
These values get passed into the velero chart [here](
## High Availability
Velero does not have configurations for high availability.
## Single Sign on (SSO)
None. This service doesn't have a web interface.
## Licensing
[Apache 2.0 License](
## Dependencies
Velero requires an object storage service available with the bucket details pre-configured. This can be block storage from block storage from AWS, Azure or other providers. `minio` and `minioOperator` can be enabled to provide this storage local to the cluster under the `addon` packages.