Jason Krause <jason.krause@darkwolf.co>
Jason Krause <jason.krause@darkwolf.co>
Comments from meetings
Should any product need to be licence (e.g. why Anchore Enterprise and not Anchore)
Should everything used by apps be internal? E.g. Postgres required for Keycloak
Which of Anchore vs Anchore Enterprise
Consistent Interface. Only "supported" BigBang configuration
Testing stuff
Kubernetes Tools E2E Testing Frameworks
Each Applications E2E tests
Is there a way to get each application to run its own e2e tests against the deployed version?
e.g. for Argo: https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/blob/master/.github/workflows/ci-build.yaml
Istio uses Prow: https://github.com/istio/test-infra
KUTTL allows for the verification of Kubernetes objects (and status) based on application of various kubernetes yaml objects. This easily allows for testing the health of all the objects (per status fields), but doesn't provide integration tests unless we build all the integration tests into CRDs or into Kubernetes Jobs:
- manifests/linting
- k3d healthy"
- smoke tests
Integration Tests *
Single release of all app versions in single place. Tested by BB
Customer extensions need to be tested in their own moc environment
Common Integration:
- "App of Apps"
Mock Integration environments
- sample implementation of customer
Table discussion
- can't change image tags
- can change repo to allow for airgapped repos