- Big Bang Quick Start
- Video Walkthrough
- Overview
- Important Security Notice
- Recommended Security Guidelines for Dev / Demo Deployments
- Important Background Contextual Information
- Step 1: Provision a Virtual Machine
- Step 2: SSH to Remote VM
- Step 3: Install Prerequisite Software
- Step 4: Configure Host Operating System Prerequisites
- Step 5: Create a k3d Cluster
- Explanation of k3d Command Flags, Relevant to the Quick Start
- k3d Cluster Creation Commands
- k3d Cluster Verification Command
- Step 6: Verify Your IronBank Image Pull Credentials
- Step 7: Clone Your Desired Version of the Big Bang Umbrella Helm Chart
- Step 8: Install Flux
- Step 9: Create Helm Values .yaml Files To Act as Input Variables for the Big Bang Helm Chart
- Step 10: Install Big Bang Using the Local Development Workflow
- Step 11: Verify Big Bang Has Had Enough Time To Finish Installing
- Step 12: Edit Your Workstation’s Hosts File To Access the Web Pages Hosted on the Big Bang Cluster
- Linux/Mac Users
- Windows Users
- Linux/Mac/Windows Users
- Step 13: Visit a Webpage
- Step 14: Play
Big Bang Quick Start
Big Bang Quick Start
- Video Walkthrough
- Overview
- Important Security Notice
- Important Background Contextual Information
- Step 1: Provision a Virtual Machine
- Step 2: SSH to Remote VM
- Step 3: Install Prerequisite Software
- Step 4: Configure Host Operating System Prerequisites
- Step 5: Create a k3d Cluster
- Step 6: Verify Your IronBank Image Pull Credentials
- Step 7: Clone Your Desired Version of the Big Bang Umbrella Helm Chart
- Step 8: Install Flux
- Step 9: Create Helm Values .yaml Files To Act as Input Variables for the Big Bang Helm Chart
- Step 10: Install Big Bang Using the Local Development Workflow
- Step 11: Verify Big Bang Has Had Enough Time To Finish Installing
- Step 12: Edit Your Workstation’s Hosts File To Access the Web Pages Hosted on the Big Bang Cluster
- Step 13: Visit a Webpage
- Step 14: Play
Video Walkthrough
A 36min speed run video walkthrough of this quickstart can be found on the following 2 mirrored locations:
This quick start guide explains in beginner-friendly terminology how to complete the following tasks in under an hour:
Turn a virtual machine (VM) into a k3d single-node Kubernetes cluster.
Deploy Big Bang on the cluster using a demonstration and local development-friendly workflow.
Note: This guide mainly focuses on the scenario of deploying Big Bang to a remote VM with enough resources to run Big Bang (see step 1 for recommended resources). If your workstation has sufficient resources, or you are willing to disable packages to lower the resource requirements, then local development is possible. This quick start guide is valid for both remote and local deployment scenarios.
Customize the demonstration deployment of Big Bang.
Important Security Notice
All Developer and Quick Start Guides in this repo are intended to deploy environments for development, demo, and learning purposes. There are practices that are bad for security, but make perfect sense for these use cases: using of default values, minimal configuration, tinkering with new functionality that could introduce a security misconfiguration, and even purposefully using insecure passwords and disabling security measures like Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper for convenience. Many applications have default username and passwords combinations stored in the public git repo, these insecure default credentials and configurations are intended to be overridden during production deployments.
When deploying a dev / demo environment there is a high chance of deploying Big Bang in an insecure configuration. Such deployments should be treated as if they could become easily compromised if made publicly accessible.
Recommended Security Guidelines for Dev / Demo Deployments
- IDEALLY these environments should be spun up on VMs with private IP addresses that are not publicly accessible. Local network access or an authenticated remote network access solution like a VPN or sshuttle should be used to reach the private network.
- DO NOT deploy publicly routable dev / demo clusters into shared VPCs (like a shared dev environment VPCs) or on VMs with IAM Roles attached. If the demo cluster were compromised, an adversary might be able to use it as a stepping stone to move deeper into an environment.
- If you want to safely demo on Cloud Provider VMs with public IPs you must follow these guidelines:
- Prevent Compromise:
- Use firewalls that only allow the 2 VMs to talk to each other and your whitelisted IP.
- Limit Blast Radius of Potential Compromise:
- Only deploy to an isolated VPC, not a shared VPC.
- Only deploy to VMs with no IAM roles/rights attached.
- Prevent Compromise:
Important Background Contextual Information
This quick start guide optimizes the speed at which a demonstrable and tinker-able deployment of Big Bang can be achieved by minimizing prerequisite dependencies and substituting them with quickly implementable alternatives. Refer to the Customer Template Repo for guidance on production deployments.
Details of how each prerequisite/dependency is quickly satisfied:
- Operating System Prerequisite: Any Linux distribution that supports Docker should work.
- Operating System Pre-configuration: This quick start includes easy paste-able commands to quickly satisfy this prerequisite.
- Kubernetes Cluster Prerequisite: is implemented using k3d (k3s in Docker)
- Default Storage Class Prerequisite: k3d ships with a local volume storage class.
- Support for automated provisioning of Kubernetes Service of type LB Prerequisite: is implemented by taking advantage of k3d's ability to easily map port 443 of the VM to port 443 of a Dockerized LB that forwards traffic to a single Istio Ingress Gateway.
Important limitations of this quick start guide's implementation of k3d to be aware of:
- Multiple Ingress Gateways aren't supported by this implementation as they would each require their own LB, and this trick of using the host's port 443 only works for automated provisioning of a single service of type LB that leverages port 443.
- Multiple Ingress Gateways makes a demoable/tinkerable KeyCloak and locally hosted SSO deployment much easier.
- Multiple Ingress Gateways can be demoed on k3d if configuration tweaks are made, MetalLB is used, and you are developing using a local Linux Desktop. (network connectivity limitations of the implementation would only allow a the web browser on the k3d host server to see the webpages.)
- If you want to easily demo and tinker with Multiple Ingress Gateways and Keycloak, then MetalLB + k3s (or another non-Dockerized Kubernetes distribution) would be a happy path to look into. (or alternatively create an issue ticket requesting prioritization of a keycloak quick start or better yet a Merge Request.)
- Access to Container Images Prerequisite is satisfied by using personal image pull credentials and internet connectivity to https://registry1.dso.mil
- Customer Controlled Private Git Repo Prerequisite isn't required due to substituting declarative git ops installation of the Big Bang Helm chart with an imperative helm cli based installation.
- Encrypting Secrets as code Prerequisite is substituted with clear text secrets on your local machine.
- Installing and Configuring Flux Prerequisite: Not using GitOps for the quick start eliminates the need to configure flux, and installation is covered within this guide.
- HTTPS Certificate and hostname configuration Prerequisites: Are satisfied by leveraging default hostname values and the demo HTTPS wildcard certificate that's uploaded to the Big Bang repo, which is valid for *.bigbang.dev, *.admin.bigbang.dev, and a few others. The demo HTTPS wildcard certificate is signed by the Lets Encrypt Free, a Certificate Authority trusted on the public internet, so demo sites like grafana.bigbang.dev will show a trusted HTTPS certificate.
- DNS Prerequisite: is substituted by making use of your workstation's Hosts file.
Step 1: Provision a Virtual Machine
The following requirements are recommended for Demonstration Purposes:
1 Virtual Machine with 32GB RAM, 8-Core CPU (t3a.2xlarge for AWS users), and 100GB of disk space should be sufficient.
Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Ubuntu comes up slightly faster than CentOS, in reality any Linux distribution with Docker installed should work)
Most Cloud Service Provider provisioned VMs default to passwordless sudo being preconfigured, but if you're doing local development or a bare metal deployment then it's recommended that you configure passwordless sudo.
- Steps for configuring passwordless sudo: (source)
sudo visudo
# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command, no password %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
Network connectivity to Virtual Machine (provisioning with a public IP and a security group locked down to your IP should work. Otherwise a Bare Metal server or even a Vagrant Box Virtual Machine configured for remote ssh works fine.)
Note: If your workstation has Docker, sufficient compute, and has ports 80, 443, and 6443 free, you can use your workstation in place of a remote virtual machine and do local development.
Step 2: SSH to Remote VM
- ssh and passwordless sudo should be configured on the remote machine
- You can skip this step if you are doing local development.
Setup SSH
# [admin@Unix_Laptop:~] mkdir -p ~/.ssh chmod 700 ~/.ssh touch ~/.ssh/config chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config temp="""########################## Host k3d Hostname x.x.x.x #IP Address of k3d node IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bb-onboarding-attendees.ssh.privatekey #ssh key authorized to access k3d node User ubuntu StrictHostKeyChecking no #Useful for vagrant where you'd reuse IP from repeated tear downs #########################""" echo "$temp" | tee -a ~/.ssh/config #tee -a, appends to preexisting config file
SSH to instance
# [admin@Laptop:~] ssh k3d # [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~]
Step 3: Install Prerequisite Software
Note: This guide follows the DevOps best practice of left-shifting feedback on mistakes and surfacing errors as early in the process as possible. This is done by leveraging tests and verification commands.
Install Git
sudo apt install git -y
Install Docker and add $USER to Docker group.
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release -y && curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg && echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null && sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io -y && sudo usermod --append --groups docker $USER # Alternative command (less safe due to curl | bash, but more generic): # curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | bash && sudo usermod --append --groups docker $USER
Logout and login to allow the
change to take effect.# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] exit
# [admin@Laptop:~] ssh k3d
Verify Docker Installation
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker!
Install k3d
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] # The following downloads the 64 bit linux version of k3d v5.4.1, checks it # against a copy of the sha256 checksum, if they match k3d gets installed wget -q -O - https://github.com/k3d-io/k3d/releases/download/v5.4.1/k3d-linux-amd64 > k3d echo 50f64747989dc1fcde5db5cb82f8ac132a174b607ca7dfdb13da2f0e509fda11 k3d | sha256sum -c | grep OK # 50f64747989dc1fcde5db5cb82f8ac132a174b607ca7dfdb13da2f0e509fda11 came from running the following against a trusted internet connection. # wget -q -O - https://github.com/k3d-io/k3d/releases/download/v5.4.1/k3d-linux-amd64 | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1 if [ $? == 0 ]; then chmod +x k3d && sudo mv k3d /usr/local/bin/k3d; fi # Alternative command (less safe due to curl | bash, but more generic): # wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh | TAG=v5.4.1 bash
Verify k3d installation
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] k3d --version
k3d version v5.4.1 k3s version v1.22.7-k3s1 (default)
Install kubectl
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] # The following downloads the 64 bit linux version of kubectl v1.23.5, checks it # against a copy of the sha256 checksum, if they match kubectl gets installed wget -q -O - https://dl.k8s.io/release/v1.23.5/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl > kubectl echo 715da05c56aa4f8df09cb1f9d96a2aa2c33a1232f6fd195e3ffce6e98a50a879 kubectl | sha256sum -c | grep OK # 715da05c56aa4f8df09cb1f9d96a2aa2c33a1232f6fd195e3ffce6e98a50a879 came from # wget -q -O - https://dl.k8s.io/release/v1.23.5/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl.sha256 if [ $? == 0 ]; then chmod +x kubectl && sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl; fi # Create a symbolic link from k to kubectl sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/k
Verify kubectl installation
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] kubectl version --client
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.5", GitCommit:"c285e781331a3785a7f436042c65c5641ce8a9e9", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-03-16T15:58:47Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Install Kustomize
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] # The following downloads the 64 bit linux version of kustomize v4.5.4, checks it # against a copy of the sha256 checksum, if they match kustomize gets installed wget -q -O - https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/releases/download/kustomize%2Fv4.5.4/kustomize_v4.5.4_linux_amd64.tar.gz > kustomize.tar.gz echo 1159c5c17c964257123b10e7d8864e9fe7f9a580d4124a388e746e4003added3 kustomize.tar.gz | sha256sum -c | grep OK # 1159c5c17c964257123b10e7d8864e9fe7f9a580d4124a388e746e4003added3 # came from https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/releases/download/kustomize%2Fv4.5.4/checksums.txt if [ $? == 0 ]; then tar -xvf kustomize.tar.gz && chmod +x kustomize && sudo mv kustomize /usr/local/bin/kustomize && rm kustomize.tar.gz ; fi # Alternative commands (less safe due to curl | bash, but more generic): # curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/master/hack/install_kustomize.sh" | bash # chmod +x kustomize # sudo mv kustomize /usr/bin/kustomize
Verify Kustomize installation
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] kustomize version
{Version:kustomize/v4.5.4 GitCommit:cf3a452ddd6f83945d39d582243b8592ec627ae3 BuildDate:2022-03-28T23:12:45Z GoOs:linux GoArch:amd64}
Install Helm
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] # The following downloads the 64 bit linux version of helm v3.8.1, checks it # against a copy of the sha256 checksum, if they match helm gets installed wget -q -O - https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.8.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz > helm.tar.gz echo d643f48fe28eeb47ff68a1a7a26fc5142f348d02c8bc38d699674016716f61cd helm.tar.gz | sha256sum -c | grep OK # d643f48fe28eeb47ff68a1a7a26fc5142f348d02c8bc38d699674016716f61cd # came from https://github.com/helm/helm/releases/tag/v3.8.1 if [ $? == 0 ]; then tar -xvf helm.tar.gz && chmod +x linux-amd64/helm && sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm && rm -rf linux-amd64 && rm helm.tar.gz ; fi # Alternative command (less safe due to curl | bash, but more generic): # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash
Verify Helm installation
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.8.1", GitCommit:"5cb9af4b1b271d11d7a97a71df3ac337dd94ad37", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.17.5"}
Step 4: Configure Host Operating System Prerequisites
Run Operating System Pre-configuration
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] # Needed for ECK to run correctly without OOM errors sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=524288 # Alternatively can use: # echo 'vm.max_map_count=524288' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/vm-max_map_count.conf # Needed by Sonarqube sudo sysctl -w fs.file-max=131072 # Alternatively can use: # echo 'fs.file-max=131072' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/fs-file-max.conf # Also Needed by Sonarqube ulimit -n 131072 ulimit -u 8192 # Load updated configuration sudo sysctl --load # Preload kernel modules, required by istio-init running on SELinux enforcing instances sudo modprobe xt_REDIRECT sudo modprobe xt_owner sudo modprobe xt_statistic # Persist kernel modules settings after reboots printf "xt_REDIRECT\nxt_owner\nxt_statistic\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules # Kubernetes requires swap disabled # Turn off all swap devices and files (won't last reboot) sudo swapoff -a # For swap to stay off, you can remove any references found via # cat /proc/swaps # cat /etc/fstab
Step 5: Create a k3d Cluster
After reading the notes on the purpose of k3d's command flags, you will be able to copy and paste the command to create a k3d cluster.
Explanation of k3d Command Flags, Relevant to the Quick Start
and--k3s-arg "--tls-san=$SERVER_IP@server:0"
These associate an extra IP to the Kubernetes API server's generated HTTPS certificate.Explanation of the effect:
If you are running k3d from a local host or you plan to run 100% of kubectl commands while ssh'd into the k3d server, then you can omit these flags or paste unmodified incorrect values with no ill effect.
If you plan to run k3d on a remote server, but run kubectl, helm, and kustomize commands from a workstation, which would be needed if you wanted to do something like kubectl port-forward then you would need to specify the remote server's public or private IP address here. After pasting the ~/.kube/config file from the k3d server to your workstation, you will need to edit the IP inside of the file from to the value you used for SERVER_IP.
Tips for looking up the value to plug into SERVER_IP:
- Method 1: If your k3d server is a remote box, then run the following command from your workstation.
cat ~/.ssh/config | grep k3d -A 6
- Method 2: If the remote server was provisioned with a Public IP, then run the following command from the server hosting k3d.
curl ifconfig.me --ipv4
- Method 3: If the server hosting k3d only has a Private IP, then run the following command from the server hosting k3d
ip address
(You will see more than one address, use the one in the same subnet as your workstation)
--volume /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id
This is required for fluentbit log shipper to work. -
,cd ~
,mkdir -p ${IMAGE_CACHE}
, and--volume ${IMAGE_CACHE}:/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/containerd/io.containerd.content.v1.content
These make it so that if you fully deploy Big Bang and then want to reset the cluster to a fresh state to retest some deployment logic. Then after runningk3d cluster delete k3s-default
and redeploying, subsequent deployments will be faster because all container images used will have been prefetched. -
--servers 1 --agents 3
These flags are not used and shouldn't be added. This is because the image caching logic works more reliably on a one node Dockerized cluster, vs a four node Dockerized cluster. If you need to add these flags to simulate multi nodes to test pod and node affinity rules, then you should remove the image cache flags, or you may experience weird image pull errors. -
--port 80:80@loadbalancer
and--port 443:443@loadbalancer
These map the virtual machine's port 80 and 443 to port 80 and 443 of a Dockerized LB that will point to the NodePorts of the Dockerized k3s node. -
--k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:0"
This flag prevents the traefik ingress controller from being deployed. Without this flag traefik would provision a service of type LoadBalancer, and claim k3d's only LoadBalancer that works with ports 80 and 443. Disabling this makes it so the Istio Ingress Gateway will be able to claim the service of type LoadBalancer.
k3d Cluster Creation Commands
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~]
SERVER_IP="" #(Change this value, if you need remote kubectl access)
# Create image cache directory
mkdir -p ${IMAGE_CACHE}
k3d cluster create \
--k3s-arg "--tls-san=$SERVER_IP@server:0" \
--volume /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id \
--volume ${IMAGE_CACHE}:/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/containerd/io.containerd.content.v1.content \
--k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:0" \
--port 80:80@loadbalancer \
--port 443:443@loadbalancer \
--api-port 6443
k3d Cluster Verification Command
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~]
kubectl config use-context k3d-k3s-default
kubectl get node
Switched to context "k3d-k3s-default".
k3d-k3s-default-server-0 Ready control-plane,master 11m v1.22.7+k3s1
Step 6: Verify Your IronBank Image Pull Credentials
Here we continue to follow the DevOps best practice of enabling early left-shifted feedback whenever possible; Before adding credentials to a configuration file and not finding out there is an issue until after we see an ImagePullBackOff error during deployment, we will do a quick left-shifted verification of the credentials.
Look up your IronBank image pull credentials
- In a web browser go to https://registry1.dso.mil
- Login via OIDC provider
- In the top right of the page, click your name, and then User Profile
- Your image pull username is labeled "Username"
- Your image pull password is labeled "CLI secret"
Note: The image pull credentials are tied to the life cycle of an OIDC token which expires after ~3 days, so if 3 days have passed since your last login to IronBank, the credentials will stop working until you re-login to the https://registry1.dso.mil GUI
Verify your credentials work
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] # Turn off bash history set +o history export REGISTRY1_USERNAME=<REPLACE_ME> export REGISTRY1_PASSWORD=<REPLACE_ME> echo $REGISTRY1_PASSWORD | docker login registry1.dso.mil --username $REGISTRY1_USERNAME --password-stdin # Turn on bash history set -o history
Step 7: Clone Your Desired Version of the Big Bang Umbrella Helm Chart
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~]
cd ~
git clone https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/bigbang.git
# Checkout version latest stable version of Big Bang
cd ~/bigbang
git checkout tags/$(grep 'tag:' base/gitrepository.yaml | awk '{print $2}')
git status
cd ~
# Note you can do the following to checkout a specific version of bigbang
# cd ~/bigbang
# git checkout tags/1.30.1
HEAD detached at (latest version)
HEAD is git speak for current context within a tree of commits
Step 8: Install Flux
is there to verify that the value of your environmental variable is still populated. If you switch terminals or re-login, you may need to reestablish these variables.
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~]
cd ~/bigbang
$HOME/bigbang/scripts/install_flux.sh -u $REGISTRY1_USERNAME -p $REGISTRY1_PASSWORD
# NOTE: After running this command the terminal may appear to be stuck on
# "networkpolicy.networking.k8s.io/allow-webhooks created"
# It's not stuck, the end of the .sh script has a kubectl wait command, give it 5 min
# Also if you have slow internet/hardware you might see a false error message
# error: timed out waiting for the condition on deployments/helm-controller
# As long as the following command shows STATUS Running you're good to move on
kubectl get pods --namespace=flux-system
helm-controller-746d586c6-ln7dl 1/1 Running 0 3m8s
notification-controller-f6658d796-fdzjx 1/1 Running 0 3m8s
kustomize-controller-5887bb8dd7-jzp7m 1/1 Running 0 3m8s
source-controller-7c4564d74c-7ffrf 1/1 Running 0 3m8s
Step 9: Create Helm Values .yaml Files To Act as Input Variables for the Big Bang Helm Chart
Note for those new to linux: The following are multi line copy pasteable commands to quickly generate config files from the CLI, make sure you copy from cat to EOF, if you get stuck in the terminal use ctrl + c
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~]
cat << EOF > ~/ib_creds.yaml
registry: registry1.dso.mil
cat << EOF > ~/demo_values.yaml
count: 1
cpu: 400m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: null # nonexistent cpu limit results in faster spin up
memory: null
count: 1
cpu: 400m
memory: 2Gi
cpu: null
memory: null
count: 1
cpu: 400m
memory: 2Gi
cpu: null
memory: null
cpu: 400m
memory: 2Gi
cpu: null
memory: null
enabled: false
replicas: 1
cpu: 100m
memory: 512Mi
cpu: null
memory: null
cpu: 400m
memory: 768Mi
cpu: null
memory: null
enforcementAction: dryrun
values: # possible values found here https://istio.io/v1.5/docs/reference/config/installation-options (ignore 1.5, latest docs point here)
global: # global istio operator values
proxy: # mutating webhook injected istio sidecar proxy's values
cpu: 0m # null get ignored if used here
memory: 0Mi
cpu: 0m
memory: 0Mi
enabled: false # twistlock requires a license to work, so we're disabling it
Step 10: Install Big Bang Using the Local Development Workflow
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~]
helm upgrade --install bigbang $HOME/bigbang/chart \
--values https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/bigbang/-/raw/master/chart/ingress-certs.yaml \
--values $HOME/ib_creds.yaml \
--values $HOME/demo_values.yaml \
--namespace=bigbang --create-namespace
Explanation of flags used in the imperative helm install command:
upgrade --install
This makes the command more idempotent by allowing the exact same command to work for both the initial installation and upgrade use cases.
bigbang $HOME/bigbang/chart
bigbang is the name of the helm release that you'd see if you run helm list -n=bigbang
. $HOME/bigbang/chart
is a reference to the helm chart being installed.
--values https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/bigbang/-/raw/master/chart/ingress-certs.yaml
References demonstration HTTPS certificates embedded in the public repository. The *.bigbang.dev wildcard certificate is signed by Let's Encrypt, a free public internet Certificate Authority. Note the URL path to the copy of the cert on master branch is used instead of $HOME/bigbang/chart/ingress-certs.yaml
, because the Let's Encrypt certs expire after 3 months, and if you deploy a tagged release of BigBang, like 1.15.0, the version of the cert stored in the tagged git commit / release of Big Bang could be expired. Referencing the master branches copy via URL ensures you receive the latest version of the cert, which won't be expired.
--namespace=bigbang --create-namespace
Means it will install the bigbang helm chart in the bigbang namespace and create the namespace if it doesn't exist.
Step 11: Verify Big Bang Has Had Enough Time To Finish Installing
If you try to run the command in Step 11 too soon, you'll see an ignorable temporary error message
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~] kubectl get virtualservices --all-namespaces # Note after running the above command, you may see an ignorable temporary error message # The error message may be different based on your timing, but could look like this: # error: the server doesn't have a resource type "virtualservices" # or # No resources found # The above errors could be seen if you run the command too early # Give Big Bang some time to finish installing, then run the following command to check it's status kubectl get po -A
If after running
kubectl get po -A
(which is the shorthand ofkubectl get pods --all-namespaces
) you see something like the following, then you need to wait longerNAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kube-system metrics-server-86cbb8457f-dqsl5 1/1 Running 0 39m kube-system coredns-7448499f4d-ct895 1/1 Running 0 39m flux-system notification-controller-65dffcb7-qpgj5 1/1 Running 0 32m flux-system kustomize-controller-d689c6688-6dd5n 1/1 Running 0 32m flux-system source-controller-5fdb69cc66-s9pvw 1/1 Running 0 32m kube-system local-path-provisioner-5ff76fc89d-gnvp4 1/1 Running 1 39m flux-system helm-controller-6c67b58f78-6dzqw 1/1 Running 0 32m gatekeeper-system gatekeeper-controller-manager-5cf7696bcf-xclc4 0/1 Running 0 4m6s gatekeeper-system gatekeeper-audit-79695c56b8-qgfbl 0/1 Running 0 4m6s istio-operator istio-operator-5f6cfb6d5b-hx7bs 1/1 Running 0 4m8s eck-operator elastic-operator-0 1/1 Running 1 4m10s istio-system istiod-65798dff85-9rx4z 1/1 Running 0 87s istio-system public-ingressgateway-6cc4dbcd65-fp9hv 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 46s logging logging-fluent-bit-dbkxx 0/2 Init:0/1 0 44s monitoring monitoring-monitoring-kube-admission-create-q5j2x 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 42s logging logging-ek-kb-564d7779d5-qjdxp 0/2 Init:0/2 0 41s logging logging-ek-es-data-0 0/2 Init:0/2 0 44s istio-system svclb-public-ingressgateway-ggkvx 5/5 Running 0 39s logging logging-ek-es-master-0 0/2 Init:0/2 0 37s
Wait up to 10 minutes then re-run
kubectl get po -A
, until all pods show STATUS Running -
helm list -n=bigbang
should also show STATUS deployedNAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION bigbang bigbang 1 2022-03-31 12:07:49.239343968 +0000 UTC deployed bigbang-1.30.1 cluster-auditor-cluster-auditor cluster-auditor 1 2022-03-31 12:14:23.004377605 +0000 UTC deployed cluster-auditor-1.4.0-bb.0 0.0.4 eck-operator-eck-operator eck-operator 1 2022-03-31 12:09:52.921098159 +0000 UTC deployed eck-operator-2.0.0-bb.0 2.0.0 gatekeeper-system-gatekeeper gatekeeper-system 1 2022-03-31 12:07:53.52890717 +0000 UTC deployed gatekeeper-3.7.1-bb.0 v3.7.1 istio-operator-istio-operator istio-operator 1 2022-03-31 12:07:55.111321595 +0000 UTC deployed istio-operator-1.13.2-bb.1 1.13.2 istio-system-istio istio-system 1 2022-03-31 12:08:23.439981427 +0000 UTC deployed istio-1.13.2-bb.0 1.13.2 jaeger-jaeger jaeger 1 2022-03-31 12:12:58.068313509 +0000 UTC deployed jaeger-operator-2.29.0-bb.0 1.32.0 kiali-kiali kiali 1 2022-03-31 12:12:57.011215896 +0000 UTC deployed kiali-operator-1.47.0-bb.1 1.47.0 logging-ek logging 1 2022-03-31 12:10:52.785810021 +0000 UTC deployed logging-0.7.0-bb.0 7.17.1 logging-fluent-bit logging 1 2022-03-31 12:12:53.27612266 +0000 UTC deployed fluent-bit-0.19.20-bb.1 1.8.13 monitoring-monitoring monitoring 1 2022-03-31 12:10:02.31254196 +0000 UTC deployed kube-prometheus-stack-33.2.0-bb.0 0.54.1
Step 12: Edit Your Workstation’s Hosts File To Access the Web Pages Hosted on the Big Bang Cluster
Run the following command, which is the short hand equivalent of kubectl get virtualservices --all-namespaces
to see a list of websites you'll need to add to your hosts file
kubectl get vs -A
logging kibana ["istio-system/public"] ["kibana.bigbang.dev"] 10m
monitoring monitoring-monitoring-kube-alertmanager ["istio-system/public"] ["alertmanager.bigbang.dev"] 10m
monitoring monitoring-monitoring-kube-grafana ["istio-system/public"] ["grafana.bigbang.dev"] 10m
monitoring monitoring-monitoring-kube-prometheus ["istio-system/public"] ["prometheus.bigbang.dev"] 10m
kiali kiali ["istio-system/public"] ["kiali.bigbang.dev"] 8m21s
jaeger jaeger ["istio-system/public"] ["tracing.bigbang.dev"] 7m46s
Linux/Mac Users
# [admin@Laptop:~]
sudo vi /etc/hosts
Windows Users
- Right click Notepad -> Run as Administrator
- Open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Linux/Mac/Windows Users
Add the following entries to the Hosts file, where x.x.x.x = k3d virtual machine's IP.
Hint: find and replace is your friend
x.x.x.x kibana.bigbang.dev
x.x.x.x alertmanager.bigbang.dev
x.x.x.x grafana.bigbang.dev
x.x.x.x prometheus.bigbang.dev
x.x.x.x kiali.bigbang.dev
x.x.x.x tracing.bigbang.dev
x.x.x.x argocd.bigbang.dev
Step 13: Visit a Webpage
In a browser, visit one of the sites listed using the kubectl get vs -A
Step 14: Play
Here's an example of post deployment customization of Big Bang.
After looking at https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/bigbang/-/blob/master/chart/values.yaml
It should make sense that the following is a valid edit
# [ubuntu@Ubuntu_VM:~]
cat << EOF > ~/tinkering.yaml
enabled: true
helm upgrade --install bigbang $HOME/bigbang/chart \
--values https://repo1.dso.mil/platform-one/big-bang/bigbang/-/raw/master/chart/ingress-certs.yaml \
--values $HOME/ib_creds.yaml \
--values $HOME/demo_values.yaml \
--values $HOME/tinkering.yaml \
--namespace=bigbang --create-namespace
# NOTE: There may be a ~1 minute delay for the change to apply
kubectl get vs -A
# Now ArgoCD should show up, if it doesn't wait a minute and rerun the command
kubectl get po -n=argocd
# Once these are all Running you can visit argocd's webpage
Remember to un-edit your Hosts file when you are finished tinkering.