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Testing repo1 CI against a dedicated runner

This page will describe how to deploy bigbang with a GitLab Runner that is connected to repo1. Source documentation for GitLab Runner is available at https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/.


  • You need to test GitLab Runner configuration against repo1
  • You need to test integrating CI pipelines to infrastructure or other bigbang services.


Request access

You will need either of these:

  • Admin access to a repo on repo1
  • Or access to create personal repos under your account on repo1

Contact the Big Bang Government Team Lead to request access.

Create gitlab runner and token

  1. Go to Settings -> CI/CD on the repo you want to test against.
  2. Expand the Runners section and click New project runner
  3. Select Run untagged jobs and Lock to current projects and click Create runner
  4. On the next page Copy the runner authentication token for later

Deploy a k8s cluster and install flux

by default the easiest way to test is to spin up a cluster using the k3d-dev.sh script. you can follow the directions https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/blob/master/docs/developer/aws-k3d-script.md

Deploy Big Bang

  1. Create an overrides file with the following content, along with any additional configuration settings you need to test
# enable grafana alloy to push traces to
    enabled: true

# enable gitlabrunners for ci-tracing
    enabled: true
      # set the url to repo1
      gitlabUrl: https://repo1.dso.mil
        # use custom config and remove cloneUrl paramaters
        config: |
              pull_policy = "always"
              namespace = "{{.Release.Namespace}}"
              image = "{{ printf "%s/%s:%s" .Values.runners.job.registry .Values.runners.job.repository .Values.runners.job.tag }}"
              helper_image = "{{ printf "%s/%s:%s" .Values.runners.helper.registry .Values.runners.helper.repository .Values.runners.helper.tag }}"
              image_pull_secrets = ["private-registry"]
              run_as_non_root = true
              run_as_user = 1001
              run_as_non_root = true
              run_as_user = 1001
              "job_id" = "${CI_JOB_ID}"
              "job_name" = "${CI_JOB_NAME}"
              "pipeline_id" = "${CI_PIPELINE_ID}"
              "app" = "gitlab-runner"
  1. Deploy BigBang with the above override file
helm upgrade -i bigbang ./chart -n bigbang --create-namespace -f ./docs/assets/configs/example/policy-overrides-k3d.yaml -f ../overrides/registry-values.yaml -f ./chart/ingress-certs.yaml -f ../overrides/gitlabrunner-test.yaml
  1. Create a secret with the token for the runner Replace runnertoken with the token that was created for the runner.
kubectl -n gitlab-runner create secret generic gitlab-gitlab-runner-secret --from-literal=runner-registration-token=runnertoken --from-literal=runner-token=runnertoken
  1. Validate that the runner is connected to repo1. Goto the repo on repo1 then Settings->CI/CD, expand the Runners section the runner should be marked as green.
  2. Now create a CI workflow for the repo and let it run, it should choose the gitlab runner on your k3d cluster.