testing-repo1-CI.md 3.48 KiB
Testing repo1 CI against a dedicated runner
This page will describe how to deploy bigbang with a GitLab Runner that is connected to repo1. Source documentation for GitLab Runner is available at https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/.
- You need to test GitLab Runner configuration against repo1
- You need to test integrating CI pipelines to infrastructure or other bigbang services.
Request access
You will need either of these:
- Admin access to a repo on repo1
- Or access to create personal repos under your account on repo1
Contact the Big Bang Government Team Lead to request access.
Create gitlab runner and token
- Go to Settings -> CI/CD on the repo you want to test against.
- Expand the Runners section and click New project runner
- Select Run untagged jobs and Lock to current projects and click Create runner
- On the next page Copy the runner authentication token for later
Deploy a k8s cluster and install flux
by default the easiest way to test is to spin up a cluster using the k3d-dev.sh script. you can follow the directions https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/blob/master/docs/developer/aws-k3d-script.md
Deploy Big Bang
- Create an overrides file with the following content, along with any additional configuration settings you need to test
# enable grafana alloy to push traces to
enabled: true
# enable gitlabrunners for ci-tracing
enabled: true
# set the url to repo1
gitlabUrl: https://repo1.dso.mil
# use custom config and remove cloneUrl paramaters
config: |
pull_policy = "always"
namespace = "{{.Release.Namespace}}"
image = "{{ printf "%s/%s:%s" .Values.runners.job.registry .Values.runners.job.repository .Values.runners.job.tag }}"
helper_image = "{{ printf "%s/%s:%s" .Values.runners.helper.registry .Values.runners.helper.repository .Values.runners.helper.tag }}"
image_pull_secrets = ["private-registry"]
run_as_non_root = true
run_as_user = 1001
run_as_non_root = true
run_as_user = 1001
"job_id" = "${CI_JOB_ID}"
"job_name" = "${CI_JOB_NAME}"
"pipeline_id" = "${CI_PIPELINE_ID}"
"app" = "gitlab-runner"
- Deploy BigBang with the above override file
helm upgrade -i bigbang ./chart -n bigbang --create-namespace -f ./docs/assets/configs/example/policy-overrides-k3d.yaml -f ../overrides/registry-values.yaml -f ./chart/ingress-certs.yaml -f ../overrides/gitlabrunner-test.yaml
- Create a secret with the token for the runner Replace runnertoken with the token that was created for the runner.
kubectl -n gitlab-runner create secret generic gitlab-gitlab-runner-secret --from-literal=runner-registration-token=runnertoken --from-literal=runner-token=runnertoken
- Validate that the runner is connected to repo1. Goto the repo on repo1 then Settings->CI/CD, expand the Runners section the runner should be marked as green.
- Now create a CI workflow for the repo and let it run, it should choose the gitlab runner on your k3d cluster.