Jason Krause <jason.krause@darkwolf.co>
Jason Krause <jason.krause@darkwolf.co>
BigBang Docs
What is BigBang?
- BigBang is a Helm Chart that is used to deploy a DevSecOps Platform on a Kubernetes Cluster. The DevSecOps Platform is composed of application packages which are bundled as helm charts that leverage IronBank hardened container images.
- The BigBang Helm Chart deploys gitrepository and helmrelease Custom Resources to a Kubernetes Cluster that's running the Flux GitOps Operator, these can be seen using
kubectl get gitrepository,helmrelease -n=bigbang
. Flux then installs the helm charts defined by the Custom Resources into the cluster. - The BigBang Helm Chart has a values.yaml file that does 2 main things:
- Defines which DevSecOps Platform packages/helm charts will be deployed
- Defines what input parameters will be passed through to the chosen helm charts.
- You can see what applications are part of the platform by checking the following resources:
- ../Packages.md lists the packages and organizes them in categories.
- Release Notes lists the packages and their versions.
- For a code based source of truth, you can check BigBang's default values.yaml, and
[CTRL] + [F]
"repo:", to quickly iterate through the list of applications supported by the BigBang team.
How do I deploy BigBang?
Note: The Deployment Process and Pre-Requisites will vary depending on the deployment scenario. The Quick Start Demo Deployment for example, allows some steps to be skipped due to a mixture of automation and generically reusable demo configuration that satisfies pre-requisites. The following is a general overview of the process, the deployment guides go into more detail.
- Satisfy Pre-Requisites:
- Provision a Kubernetes Cluster according to best practices.
- Ensure the Cluster has network connectivity to a Git Repo you control.
- Install Flux GitOps Operator on the Cluster.
- Configure Flux, the Cluster, and the Git Repo for GitOps Deployments that support deploying encrypted values.
- Commit to the Git Repo BigBang's values.yaml and encrypted secrets that have been configured to match the desired state of the cluster (including HTTPS Certs and DNS names).
kubectl apply --filename bigbang.yaml
- bigbang.yaml will trigger a chain reaction of GitOps Custom Resources' that will deploy other GitOps CR's that will eventually deploy an instance of a DevSecOps Platform that's declaratively defined in your Git Repo.
- To be specific, the chain reaction pattern we consider best practice is to have:
- bigbang.yaml deploys a gitrepository and kustomization Custom Resource
- Flux reads the declarative configuration stored in the kustomization CR to do a GitOps equivalent of
kustomize build . | kubectl apply --filename -
, to deploy a helmrelease CR of the BigBang Helm Chart, that references input values.yaml files defined in the Git Repo. - Flux reads the declarative configuration stored in the helmrelease CR to do a GitOps equivalent of
helm upgrade --install bigbang /chart --namespace=bigbang --filename encrypted_values.yaml --filename values.yaml --create-namespace=true
, the BigBang Helm Chart, then deploys more CR's that flux uses to deploy packages specified in BigBang's values.yaml
New User Orientation
- New users are encouraged to read through the Useful Background Contextual Information present in the understanding_bigbang folder