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Snippets Groups Projects
Code owners
Assign users and groups as approvers for specific file changes. Learn more.
[Project Managers]
# protect individual files in the root directory such as the CODEOWNERS file
/*                     @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
# Recursive protection for directories
/.gitlab-ci/           @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
/.gitlab/              @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
/base/                 @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
/chart/                @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
/charter/              @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
/hack/                 @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
/scripts/              @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
/tests/                @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record
/docs/                 @runyontr @joshwolf @megamind @phillip.record

[Docs Owners]
# Allow any one of the listed codeowners to approve merges to the documentation 
# Does not allow the creator of the merge request to be the approveer.
/docs/                @michaelmcleroy @egoode @aaronbeger @aaron.ruse @branden.cobb @shouseba @chuck.laverde @daryndecker @dyoung @egnoriega @egoode @iahmad @jcookehg   
                      @jasonkrause @jpower_rfed @jkayse @jdale @joshwolf @karchaf @kavitha @kenna81 @kevin.wilder @killian.byrne @mgauto @msbrown47 @mdutton @matthew.kaiser 
                      @michaelmcleroy @nick_tetrate @racosta @rkernick @runyontr @ryan.j.garcia @sean.deprefontaine @seanthomaswilliams1 @thomas.burton @Ozzie100 @tsiddique1 
                      @toladipupo @visuth.dy @zdzielinski @micah.nagel @LynnStill @cmcgrath

# The following entries are for optional approval. 
# They are only included to document contacts and have no impact on approval requirements

^[Kustomize Base Owners]
base/                 @michaelmcleroy

^[CI Owners]
.gitlab-ci/           @toladipupo
tests/                @toladipupo

^[Hack Owners]
scripts/              @toladipupo @michaelmcleroy @egoode
hack/                 @toladipupo @michaelmcleroy @egoode

^[Charter Owners]
charter/              @runyontr @joshwolf

^[Istio and Authservice]
chart/Chart.yaml                @kenna81 @kavitha @cmcgrath @nick_tetrate
chart/values.yaml               @kenna81 @kavitha @cmcgrath @nick_tetrate
chart/templates/authservice     @kenna81 @kavitha @cmcgrath 
chart/templates/istio           @kenna81 @kavitha @cmcgrath @nick_tetrate

# ^[HAProxy]
# chart/Chart.yaml              @?
# chart/values.yaml             @?
# chart/templates/haproxy       @?

chart/Chart.yaml                @blake.hearn @micah.nagel @jasonkrause
chart/values.yaml               @blake.hearn @micah.nagel @jasonkrause
chart/templates/anchore         @blake.hearn @micah.nagel @jasonkrause

chart/Chart.yaml                @matthew.kaiser @brian.rexrode
chart/values.yaml               @matthew.kaiser @brian.rexrode
chart/templates/argocd          @matthew.kaiser @brian.rexrode

# ^[Cluster Auditor]
# chart/Chart.yaml
# chart/values.yaml
# chart/templates/clusterauditor

# ^[Gatekeeper]
# chart/Chart.yaml              @toladipupo
# chart/values.yaml             @toladipupo   
# chart/templates/gatekeeper    @toladipupo

chart/Chart.yaml                @kavitha @ryan.j.garcia
chart/values.yaml               @kavitha @ryan.j.garcia
chart/templates/logging         @kavitha @ryan.j.garcia

chart/Chart.yaml                @lynnstill @ryan.j.garcia
chart/values.yaml               @lynnstill @ryan.j.garcia
chart/templates/monitoring      @lynnstill @ryan.j.garcia

chart/Chart.yaml                @thomas.burton @ryan.j.garcia @runyontr @joshwolf
chart/values.yaml               @thomas.burton @ryan.j.garcia @runyontr @joshwolf
chart/templates/twistlock       @thomas.burton @ryan.j.garcia @runyontr @joshwolf

chart/Chart.yaml                @kevin.wilder @lynnstill @branden.cobb
chart/values.yaml               @kevin.wilder @lynnstill @branden.cobb
chart/templates/sonarqube       @kevin.wilder @lynnstill @branden.cobb

^[Gitlab and Gitlab Runners]
chart/Chart.yaml                @lynnstill @ryan.j.garcia @kevin.wilder
chart/values.yaml               @lynnstill @ryan.j.garcia @kevin.wilder
chart/templates/gitlab          @lynnstill @ryan.j.garcia @kevin.wilder

chart/Chart.yaml                @megamind
chart/values.yaml               @megamind
chart/templates/keycloak        @megamind

^[Mattermost (and operator)]
chart/Chart.yaml                @micah.nagel @branden.cobb
chart/values.yaml               @micah.nagel @branden.cobb
chart/templates/mattermost      @micah.nagel @branden.cobb

^[Minio (and operator)]
chart/Chart.yaml                @LynnStill @kevin.wilder @branden.cobb
chart/values.yaml               @LynnStill @kevin.wilder @branden.cobb
chart/templates/minio           @LynnStill @kevin.wilder @branden.cobb

chart/Chart.yaml                @tunde @adam.toy
chart/values.yaml               @tunde @adam.toy
chart/templates/velero          @tunde @adam.toy