Credentials for Big Bang Packages
This document includes details on credentials to access each package in a default install (without SSO). It is safe to assume that any packages not listed in the two categories below either have no need for authentication or use different methods (ex: velero require kubectl access).
Packages with no built in authentication
Although the below applications have no built in authentication, Big Bang's helm values can be configured to deploy authservice in front of these endpoints. Authservice is an Authentication Proxy that can integrate with SSO providers like Keycloak.
- Jaeger
- Monitoring (Prometheus)
- Monitoring (Alertmanager)
Packages with built in authentication
The applications in the table below provide both SSO and built in auth. The table gives default credentials and ways to access and/or override those.
Package (Application) | Default Username | Default Password | Additional Notes |
Kiali | N/A | (randomly generated) | Use kubectl get secret -n kiali -o go-template='{{range $secret := .items}}{{with $secret.metadata.annotations}}{{with (index . "")}}{{if eq . "kiali-service-account"}}{{$ | base64decode}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' to get the token |
Logging (Kibana) | elastic |
(randomly generated) | Use kubectl get secrets -n logging logging-ek-es-elastic-user -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode}}' to get the password |
Monitoring (Grafana) | admin |
prom-operator |
Default password can be overridden with Helm values monitoring.values.grafana.adminPassword
Twistlock | N/A | N/A | Prompted to setup an admin account when you first hit the virtual service, no default user |
ArgoCD | admin |
(randomly generated) | Use kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o go-template='{{.data.password | base64decode}}' to get the password. Note: If the argocd-initial-admin-secret does not exist, you will need to reset the admin password. |
Minio | minio |
minio123 |
Access and secret key can be overridden with Helm values addons.minio.accesskey and addons.minio.secretkey respectively |
Gitlab | root |
(randomly generated) | Use kubectl -n gitlab get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -o go-template='{{.data.password | base64decode}}' to get the password |
Nexus | admin |
(randomly generated) | Use kubectl get secret -n nexus-repository-manager nexus-repository-manager-secret -o go-template='{{index .data "admin.password" | base64decode}}' to get the password |
Sonarqube | admin |
admin |
Default password can be overridden with Helm values addons.sonarqube.values.account.adminPassword
Anchore | admin |
(randomly generated) | Use kubectl get secrets -n anchore anchore-anchore-engine-admin-pass -o go-template='{{.data.ANCHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64decode}}' to get the password, or override with Helm values addons.anchore.values.anchoreGlobal.defaultAdminPassword
Mattermost | N/A | N/A | Prompted to setup an account when you first hit the virtual service - this user becomes admin, no default user |
Keycloak | admin |
password |
Default username and password can be overridden with Helm values addons.keycloak.values.secrets.credentials.stringData.adminuser and addons.keycloak.values.secrets.credentials.stringData.password respectively |