Mac antivirus tools have been known to interfere with DNS forwarding. In other cases, due to the cluster configuration, the hostnames do resolve, but to (localhost) or to other addresses
If the hosts shown in the HOSTS column from `kubectl get vs -A` don't resolve to the host(s) running the cluster (or don't resolve at all), add them to your /etc/hosts file:
<IP of the EC2 instance>
It is important to use hostnames when accessing cluster apps in a browser instead of IPs as the hostname sent by the browser in its HTTP GET request is used by the load balancers (see: kubectl get svc -n istio-system) to direct the traffic to the correct app.
### Multi Ingress-gateway Support with MetalLB and K3D
### Multi Ingress-gateway Support with MetalLB and K3D
1. If you want to utilize BigBang's multi ingress-gateway support for istio, it is possible with K3D but requires some different flags at cluster creation.
1. If you want to utilize BigBang's multi ingress-gateway support for istio, it is possible with K3D but requires some different flags at cluster creation.