1. More details about secret-*.yaml: The secret template is where the code for secrets go. Typically you will see secrets for imagePullSecret, sso, database, and possibly object storage. These secrets are a BigBang chart enhancement. They are created conditionally based on what the user enables in the config.
1. More details about secret-*.yaml: The secret template is where the code for secrets go. Typically you will see secrets for imagePullSecret, sso, database, and possibly object storage. These secrets are a BigBang chart enhancement. They are created conditionally based on what the user enables in the config. For example if the app supports SSO and will need a Certificate Authority supplied to trust the connection to the IdP there should be a `secret-ca.yaml` template to populate a secret with the `sso.certificate_authority` value in the application namespace.
1. Edit the chart/templates/values.yaml. Add your Package to the list of Packages. Just copy one of the others and change the name. This supports adding chart values from a secret. Pay attention to whether this is a core Package or an add-on package, the toYaml values are different for add-ons. This template allows a Package to add chart values that need to be encrypted in a secret.