@@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ The applications in the table below provide both SSO and built in auth. The tabl
| Anchore | `admin` | (randomly generated) | Use `kubectl get secrets -n anchore anchore-anchore-engine-admin-pass -o go-template='{{.data.ANCHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD \| base64decode}}'` to get the password, or override with Helm values `addons.anchore.values.anchoreGlobal.defaultAdminPassword` |
| Mattermost | N/A | N/A | Prompted to setup an account when you first hit the virtual service - this user becomes admin, no default user |
| Keycloak | `admin` | `password` | Default username and password can be overridden with Helm values `addons.keycloak.values.secrets.credentials.stringData.adminuser` and `addons.keycloak.values.secrets.credentials.stringData.password` respectively |
| Neuvector | `admin` | `admin` | You should change the default password when you log into Neuvector. Can also be changed via the chart at the `controller.secret.data.userinitcfg.yaml` key, see the [upstream docs for more details and examples](https://open-docs.neuvector.com/deploying/production/configmap).|