Release 1.32.0
Release Process
1. Release Prep
️ Note
Parts of the release process have been automated by Sweet Release. The process of creating documentation will vary from the instructions below.
Verify that the previous release branch commit hash matches the last release tag. Investigate with previous RE if they do not match
Create release branch with name
. Example:release-1.30.x
The release branch name must end withx
. -
Copy markdown from previous release notes. Build new draft release notes in the dogfood repo /docs/release directory. Make a new file
. Edit the contents and commit it to the repo for the benefit of the next release engineer.The command below will get you the BB Versions for all packages to use in the package table - make sure to run it from the root of the repo while on the release branch:
yq e '(.*.git.tag | select(. != null) | [{"path":(path | .[-3]), "value":.}], .addons.*.git.tag | select(. != null) | [{"Package":(path | .[-3]), "BB Version":.}])' chart/values.yaml
For the Package Version you will need to check each package manually. Depending on the package we may be tracking one or more of the image tags or the Chart's
. -
Release specific code changes.
Make the following changes in a single commit so it can be cherry picked into master later.-
Bump self-reference version in
Update chart release version
Bump badge at the top of
with any new Packages -
Update with links to MRs and any upgrade notices/known issues. release-diff update link for release
Update using
.# from root dir of your release branch docker run -v "$(pwd):/helm-docs" -u $(id -u) jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.5.0 -s file -t .gitlab/ --dry-run >
2. Test and Validate Release Candidate
Dogfood cluster
Upgrade the release branch onWARNING: This cluster is in use by the CI runners. Upgrade only, do not delete and redeploy. Only follow the "Connecting to the API Server" section in the link below.
Review Elasticsearch Health and trial License status & follow these steps if expired:
kubectl delete hr ek eck-operator fluentbit -n bigbang kubectl delete ns eck-operator logging flux reconcile kustomization environment -n bigbang flux suspend hr bigbang -n bigbang flux resume hr bigbang -n bigbang
Review Mattermost Enterprise trial license status & follow these steps if expired:
To "renew" mattermost enterprise trial license, connect to RDS postgres DB using
(get command and auth from Ryan/Micah/Branden)\c mattermost select * from "public"."licenses"; delete from "public"."licenses"; \q kubectl delete mattermost mattermost -n mattermost
If Flux has been updated in the latest release, checkout your release branch on the BB repo and run
./scripts/ -s
option will reuse the existing secret so you don't have to provide credentials) -
with release branch. -
Verify cluster has updated to the new release
Packages have fetched the new revision and match the new release
Packages have reconciled
# check release watch kubectl get gitrepositories,kustomizations,hr,po -A
If flux has not updated after ten minutes:
flux reconcile hr -n bigbang bigbang --with-source
If flux is still not updating, delete the flux source controller:
kubectl get all -n flux-system kubectl delete pod/source-controller-xxxxxxxx-xxxxx -n flux-system
If the helm release shows max retries exhausted, you will need to delete helm release secrets and reconcile in flux as follows:
$ kubectl get secrets -n bigbang | grep ${HR-NAME}
sh.helm.release.v1.${HR-NAME}-${HR-NAME}.v1 1 18h sh.helm.release.v1.${HR-NAME}-${HR-NAME}.v2 1 17h sh.helm.release.v1.${HR-NAME}-${HR-NAME}.v3 1 17m
# Delete the latest one: $ kubectl delete secret -n bigbang sh.helm.release.v1.${HR-NAME}-${HR-NAME}.v3 # Then need to run flux stuff: $ flux suspend hr -n bigbang bigbang $ flux resume hr -n bigbang bigbang $ flux reconcile hr ${HR-NAME} -n bigbang --with-source
Confirm app UIs are loading
When verifying each application UI is loading, also verify the website certificates are valid.
- anchore
- argocd
- gitlab
- tracing
- kiali
- kibana
- mattermost (chat)
- minio
- alertmanager
- grafana
- prometheus
- sonarqube
- twistlock
- nexus
- keycloak
- Login to kibana with SSO
- Kibana is actively indexing/logging.
- Login to grafana with SSO
- Contains Kubernetes Dashboards and metrics
- contains Istio dashboards
- Login to prometheus
- All apps are being scraped, no errors
Cluster Auditor
- Login to grafana with SSO
OPA Violations dashboard is present and shows violations in namespaces (check
ns to validate violations over time)
- Login to kiali with SSO
- Validate graphs and traces are visible under applications/workloads
Validate no errors appear
️ Note
Red notification bell would be visible if there are errors.
- Login to gitlab with SSO
- Edit profile and change user avatar
Create new public group with release name. Example
Create new public project with release name. Example
- git clone project
- Pick one of the project folders from and copy all the files into your clone from dogfood, then push up
- docker push and docker pull image to/from registry
docker pull alpine
docker tag alpine<GROUPNAMEHERE>/<PROJECTNAMEHERE>/alpine:latest
docker login
docker push<GROUPNAMEHERE>/<PROJECTNAMEHERE>/alpine:latest
- Login to sonarqube with SSO
- Add a project for your release
- Generate a token for the project and copy the token somewhere safe for use later
Click other, linux, and copy the projectKey from
for use later - After completing the gitlab runner test return to sonar and check that your project now has analysis
️ Note
The project token and project key are different values.
Gitlab Runner
- Log back into gitlab and navigate to your project
Under settings, CI/CD, variables add two vars:
set equal to
set equal to the token you copied from Sonarqube earlier (make this masked)
Add a
file to the root of the project, paste in the contents of sample_ci.yaml, replacing-Dsonar.projectKey=XXXXXXX
with what you copied earlier - Commit, validate the pipeline runs and succeeds (may need to retry if there is a connection error), then return to the last step of the sonar test
Login to Nexus as admin, password is in the
secret:# looks like the username but not the pw might be stored with a newline, hence the ^ instead of <- kubectl get secret nexus-repository-manager-secret -n nexus-repository-manager -o json | jq -r '.data["admin.username"]' | base64 -d ; echo ' ^ admin username' kubectl get secret nexus-repository-manager-secret -n nexus-repository-manager -o json | jq -r '.data["admin.password"]' | base64 -d ; echo ' <- admin password'
Validate there are no errors displaying in the UI
Push/pull an image to/from the nexus registry
docker login
with the credentials from the encrypted values (or the admin user credentials) -
docker tag alpine:latest
(replace with your release number, pick a different image to tag if you want) -
docker push
Pull down the image for the previous release (
docker pull
Login to Anchore with SSO
Log out and log back in as the admin user - password is in
secret (admin will have pull credentials set up for the registries):kubectl get secret anchore-anchore-engine-admin-pass -n anchore -o json | jq -r '.data.ANCHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD' | base64 -d ; echo ' <- password'
Scan image in dogfood registry,
Scan image in nexus registry,
(use your release number) -
Validate scans complete and Anchore displays data (click the SHA value for each image)
Login to argocd with SSO
Logout and login with username
. The password is in theargocd-initial-admin-secret
secret. If that doesn't work attempt a password reset:kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o json | jq '.data|to_entries|map({key, value:.value|@base64d})|from_entries'
Create application
TODO: Test creating application with YAML template.
apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: podinfo spec: destination: name: '' namespace: podinfo server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc' source: path: chart repoURL: '' targetRevision: HEAD project: default syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true
*click* create application application name: podinfo Project: default Sync Policy: Automatic Sync Policy: check both boxes Sync Options: check "auto-create namespace" Repository URL: Revision: HEAD Path: chart Cluster URL: https://kubernetes.default.svc Namespace: podinfo *click* Create (top of page)
The app should sync and come healthy.
Delete application
Log into the Minio UI - access and secret key are in the
secretkubectl -n minio get secret minio-root-creds-secret -o json | jq -r '.data.accesskey' | base64 -d ; echo ' <- access key' kubectl -n minio get secret minio-root-creds-secret -o json | jq -r '.data.secretkey' | base64 -d ; echo ' <- secret key'
Create bucket
Store file to bucket
Download file from bucket
Delete bucket and files
Login to mattermost with SSO
Update/modify profile picture
Send chats/validate chats from previous releases are visible.
The ability to see chats in other teams requires Mattermost administrator rights.
Login to twistlock/prisma cloud with the credentials encrypted in
# from <repo>/bigbang/customers/bigbang project root dir sops --decrypt environment-bb-secret.enc.yaml | grep -1 twistlock
Only complete if Twistlock was upgraded
- Navigate to Manage -> Defenders -> Deploy
Toggle on "Monitor Istio" -
Disable official registry -
Deploy Defenders with SELinux Policy -
Nodes use Container Runtime Interface (CRI), not Docker -
Nodes runs inside containerized environment - 18b: download the yaml files
- Apply the yaml in the dogfood cluster, validate the pods go to running
Under Manage -> Defenders -> Manage, make sure # of defenders online is equal to number of nodes on the cluster
Under Radars -> Containers, validate pods are shown across all namespaces
Test secret sync in new namespace
# create secret in kyverno NS kubectl create secret generic \ -n kyverno kyverno-bbtest-secret \ --from-literal=username='username' \ --from-literal=password='password' # Create Kyverno Policy kubectl apply -f # Check if secret is create in NEW namespace kubectl create ns kyverno-test # wait for 5s for Policy to be ready kubectl label ns kyverno-test --overwrite=true kubectl get secrets kyverno-bbtest-secret -n kyverno-test # Test passed if found - [ ] Delete the test resources # If successful, delete test resources kubectl delete -f kubectl delete secret kyverno-bbtest-secret -n kyverno kubectl delete ns kyverno-test
Backup PVCs velero_test.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./velero_test.yaml # exec into velero_test container, check log veleropod=`kubectl get pod -n velero-test -o json | jq -r '.items[]'` kubectl exec $veleropod -n velero-test -- tail /mnt/velero-test/test.log
Install the velero CLI on your workstation if you don't already have it (for MacOS, run "brew install velero").
Then set VERSION to the release you are testing and use the CLI to create a test backup:
VERSION=1-2-3 velero backup create velero-test-backup-${VERSION} -l app=velero-test velero backup get
Wait a bit, re-run
velero backup get
, when it shows "Completed" delete the app.kubectl delete -f ./velero_test.yaml
namespace "velero-test" deleted persistentvolumeclaim "velero-test" deleted deployment.apps "velero-test" deleted
Restore PVCs
Now test restoring from backup.
velero restore create velero-test-restore-${VERSION} --from-backup velero-test-backup-${VERSION} # exec into velero_test container kubectl exec $veleropod -n velero-test -- cat /mnt/velero-test/test.log # Old log entries and new should be in log if backup was done correctly
Cleanup test
kubectl delete -f ./velero_test.yaml
Login to Keycloak admin console. The credentials are in the
secret:kubectl get secret keycloak-credentials -n keycloak -o json | jq -r '.data.adminuser' | base64 -d ; echo " <- admin user" kubectl get secret keycloak-credentials -n keycloak -o json | jq -r '.data.password' | base64 -d ; echo " <- password"
3. Create Release
Re-run helm docs in case any package tags changed as a result of issues found in testing.
Create release candidate tag based on release branch. Tag EX:
.Message: release candidate Release Notes: **Leave Blank**
Passed tag pipeline.
Create release tag based on release branch. Tag EX:
.Message: release 1.x.x Release Notes: **Leave Blank**
Passed release pipeline.
Add release notes to release.
Cherry-pick release commit(s) as needed with merge request back to master branch
Close Big Bang Milestone in GitLab.
Celebrate and announce release