Installing the scalable Loki HelmRelease forces a dependency on minio-operator, see here. At CMS we are storing logs in AWS S3 and access the buckets using IRSA, and we do not use AWS access key/secret creds. So, we'd like the option to use scalable Loki without Minio
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We can look into tightening loosening up the conditionals here for sure... @ryan.j.garcia would it be sufficient to change the conditional to just {{- if not (and .endpoint .bucketNames) }} (just looking for endpoint and bucketnames)?
Yeah would be worth doing that. If the goal is to use an IAM/Instance Profile it is not possible currently for Loki/Tempo so credentials are required. Pulling it in as low priority for the XForce Team.
The monolithic Loki deployment does allow us to use an IAM/Instance Profile to access S3. To get around the Minio Operator dependency I'm setting my values as:
loki:enabled:true# need this block to ensure minio is not a dependencyobjectStorage:endpoint:whateveraccessKey:whateveraccessSecret:whateverbucketNames:whatever...
And we are able to succesfully put Loki logs into S3