Release 1.40.0
Copy contents of into this description and check the boxes as you test.
Also note the comments in this issue. Generally these include release notes to add in.
Release Process
- Commands prepended in
should not be blindly copied and pasted, they should be read, evalulated, and if applicable, executed. - This upgrade process is applicable only to minor version upgrades on Big Bang major version
, and subject to change in future major versions. Patch version upgrades follow a different process. - The R2D2 release automation tool can be used to automate certain parts of this release process. Follow the README for cloning and installation. Usage is denoted by the R2-D2 prefix.
- The release branch format is as follows:
is the minor release number. Example:release-1.32.x
. The<minor>
string is used as a placeholder for the minor release number in this document. - The release tag format is as follows:
1. Release Prep
Check last release SHAs
- Verify that the previous release branch commit hash matches the last release tag. Investigate with previous RE if they do not match.
- Example: Last release is
, validate the commit sha for the1.31.1
tag matches the commit sha for therelease-1.31.x
branch. -
R2-D2: run w/ the
Check last release SHAs
option selected
Create release branch. You will need to request permissions from the maintainers if you run into permissions issues. 1
R2-D2: run w/ the
Create release branch
option selectedor
In either the Gitlab UI or the Git CLI, create a new branch from
with the namerelease-1.<minor>.x
. Important The release branch name must end withx
# CLI example, replace `<release-branch>` with the name of the release branch as specifed above $ cd bigbang $ git checkout master $ git pull $ git checkout -b <release-branch> $ git branch --show-current $ git push --set-upstream origin <release-branch>
Build release notes
R2-D2: run w/ the
Build release notes
option selectedor
# clone the dogfood cluster repo $ git clone dogfood-bigbang # cd into the dogfood-bigbang repo's release notes dir $ cd dogfood-bigbang/docs/release # install R2-D2 $ python3 -m pip install git+ # Select the `Build release notes` option $ r2d2 # commit the release notes $ cd ../../ $ git add docs/release/ $ git commit -m "add initial release notes"
Upgrade Big Bang's version references
WIP: R2-D2: run w/ the
Upgrade version references
option selectedor
Tip Make the following changes in a single commit so it can be cherry picked into master later. -
Bump self-reference version in
Update chart release version
with any new Packages. Also review if any packages have enabled mTLS STRICT this release and update the mTLS column with the BB MR link (follow the other examples where STRICT is noted). -
Add a new changelog entry for the release, ex:
## [1.<minor>.0] - [!1.<minor>.0](<minor>.0); List of merge requests in this release. <!-- Note: milestone_title=1.<minor>.0 version must match the given minor release version -->
Update using
.# example release 1.<minor>.x $ cd bigbang $ git checkout release-1.<minor>.x $ docker run -v "$(pwd):/helm-docs" -u $(id -u) jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.5.0 -s file -t .gitlab/ --dry-run > ./docs/understanding-bigbang/configuration/
2. Upgrade and Debug Cluster
️ WARNING: Upgrade only, do not delete and redeploy.
Connect to the dogfood cluster
NOTE: If you have issues with the AWS CLI commands, adding via the AWS web console is another option. Reach out to core maintainers for assistance. 1 -
Review Elasticsearch health and trial license status:
Check the age of the pods, in general if younger than 30 days you should be good. Also login to Kibana via SSO - SSO is paywalled so it will fail if the license is expired.
Renew ECK Trial
kubectl delete hr ek eck-operator fluentbit cluster-auditor -n bigbang kubectl delete ns eck-operator logging flux reconcile kustomization environment -n bigbang flux suspend hr bigbang -n bigbang flux resume hr bigbang -n bigbang
Review Mattermost Enterprise trial license status & follow these steps if expired:
Login as a system admin, navigate to the System Console -> Edition and License tab. Reach out to core maintainers for assistance. 1
Renew Mattermost Enterprise Trial
To "renew" Mattermost Enterprise trial license, connect to RDS postgres DB using
. Follow the guide (guide will need to be sops decrypted) to connect to the DB. Reach out to core maintainers if you need additional assistance. 1Then run the below commands from within the psql connection, which will cycle the license:
\c mattermost select * from "public"."licenses"; delete from "public"."licenses"; \q kubectl delete mattermost mattermost -n mattermost flux suspend hr -n bigbang mattermost flux resume hr -n bigbang mattermost
Validate that the new Mattermost pod rolls out successfully. If it hasn't reconciled you may need to suspend/resume bigbang again. Login as a system admin, navigate to the System Console -> Edition and License tab. Click the "Start trial" button
If Flux has been updated in the latest release:
Run the Flux install script as in the example below
$ cd bigbang $ git checkout release-1.<minor>.x $ git pull $ ./scripts/ -s # the `-s` option will reuse the existing secret so you don't have to provide credentials $ cd ../dogfood-bigbang # go back to dogfood after flux upgrade
Upgrade the release branch on dogfood cluster
by completing the following.-
WIP: R2-D2: run w/ the
Upgrade dogfood cluster
option selectedor
Upgrade base kustomization
to the release branch. -
Upgrade prod kustomization
branch: "release-1.<minor>.x"
to the release branch. -
Verify the above changes are correct, then:
$ git add bigbang/base bigbang/prod $ git commit -m "upgrade kustomizations to release-1.<minor>.x" $ git push
Verify cluster has updated to the new release
Packages have fetched the new revision and match the new release
- Gitrepos have updated to their new versions
Packages have reconciled
Watch the Release HRs, Gitrepos, and Kustomizations to check when all HRs have properly reconciled
# check release watch kubectl get gitrepositories,kustomizations,hr,po -A
If flux has not updated after ten minutes:
flux reconcile hr -n bigbang bigbang --with-source
If flux is still not updating, delete the flux source controller:
kubectl get all -n flux-system kubectl delete pod/source-controller-xxxxxxxx-xxxxx -n flux-system
If the helm release shows max retries exhausted, check a describe of the HR. If it shows "another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress", this is an issue caused by too many Flux reconciles happening at once and typically the Helm controller crashing. You will need to delete helm release secrets and reconcile in flux as follows. Note that ${HR_NAME} is the same HR you described which is in a bad state (typically a specific package and NOT bigbang itself).
# example w/ kiali $ HR_NAME=kiali $ kubectl get secrets -n bigbang | grep ${HR_NAME}
# example output: # some hr names are duplicated w/ a dash in the middle, some are not sh.helm.release.v1.kiali-kiali.v1 1 18h sh.helm.release.v1.kiali-kiali.v2 1 17h sh.helm.release.v1.kiali-kiali.v3 1 17m
# Delete the latest one: $ kubectl delete secret -n bigbang sh.helm.release.v1.${HR_NAME}-${HR_NAME}.v3 # suspend/resume the hr $ flux suspend hr -n bigbang ${HR_NAME} $ flux resume hr -n bigbang ${HR_NAME}
If you see errors about no space left when you kubectl describe a failed deployment. The logs have probably filled the filesystem of the node. Determine which node the deployment was scheduled on and ssh to it and delete the logs. You need to have sshuttle running in order to reach the IP of the nodes.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/dogfood.pem ec2-user@xx.x.x.xx sudo -i rm -rf /var/log/containers/* rm -rf /var/log/pods/*
Then the deployment should recover on its own
All Pods in "Running" or "Completed" state
3. UI Tests
Important When verifying each application UI is loading, also verify the website certificates are valid.
- Login to grafana with SSO
- Contains Kubernetes Dashboards and metrics
- contains Istio dashboards
- Login to prometheus
Go to Status > Targets. Validate that no unexpected services are marked as Unhealthy
KNOWN UNHEALTHY INCLUDE: serviceMonitor/logging/logging-promtail/0 (due to network policies missing) serviceMonitor/monitoring/monitoring-monitoring-kube-kube-controller-manager/0 serviceMonitor/monitoring/monitoring-monitoring-kube-kube-etcd/0 serviceMonitor/monitoring/monitoring-monitoring-kube-kube-scheduler/0
Cluster Auditor
- Login to grafana with SSO
- OPA Violations dashboard is present and shows violations in namespaces
- Login to kiali with SSO
- Validate graphs and traces are visible under applications/workloads
Validate no errors appear
️ Note Red notification bell would be visible if there are errors. Errors on individual application listings for labels, etc are expected and OK.
- Login to gitlab with SSO
- Edit profile and change user avatar
Create new public group with release name. ie.
Create new public project (under the group you just made), also with release name. ie.
- git clone project
- Pick one of the project folders from Sonarqube Samples and copy all the files into your clone from dogfood, then push up. To git push you will need to create an access token in your profile. Then use that access token as the password.
docker push and docker pull image to/from registry. Use the access token that you created for the docker login.
docker pull alpine docker tag alpine<GROUPNAMEHERE>/<PROJECTNAMEHERE>/alpine:latest docker login docker push<GROUPNAMEHERE>/<PROJECTNAMEHERE>/alpine:latest docker image rm<GROUPNAMEHERE>/<PROJECTNAMEHERE>/alpine:latest docker pull<GROUPNAMEHERE>/<PROJECTNAMEHERE>/alpine:latest
- Login to sonarqube with SSO
- Add a project for your release
- Generate a token for the project and copy the token somewhere safe for use later
Click other, linux, and copy the projectKey from
for use later -
After completing the gitlab runner test return to sonar and check that your project now has analysis
️ Note The project token and project key are different values.
Gitlab Runner
- Log back into gitlab and navigate to your project
Under settings, CI/CD, variables add two vars:
set equal to
set equal to the token you copied from Sonarqube earlier (make this masked)
- Under settings, CI/CD, Auto DevOps disable the auto devops pipeline and save.
Add a
file to the root of the project, paste in the contents of sample_ci.yaml, replacing-Dsonar.projectKey=XXXXXXX
with what you copied earlier - Commit, validate the pipeline runs and succeeds (may need to retry if there is a connection error), then return to the last step of the sonar test
Login to Nexus as admin, password is in the
secret:# username is admin, password is the output of this command kubectl get secret -n nexus-repository-manager nexus-repository-manager-secret -o go-template='{{index .data "admin.password" | base64decode}}'
Validate there are no errors displaying in the UI
Push/pull an image to/from the nexus registry
With the credentials from the encrypted values (or the admin user credentials) login to the nexus registry
$ docker login
Tag and push an image to the registry:
# ex: <release> = `1-32-0` $ docker tag alpine:latest<release> $ docker push<release>
Pull down the image for the previous release
# ex: <last-release> = `1-31-0` $ docker pull<last-release>
With the credentials from the encrypted values (or the admin user credentials) login to the nexus registry
- Login to Anchore with SSO
Log out and log back in as the admin user - password is in
secret (admin will have pull credentials set up for the registries):kubectl get secret anchore-anchore-engine-admin-pass -n anchore -o json | jq -r '.data.ANCHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD' | base64 -d ; echo ' <- password'
Scan image in dogfood registry,
Scan image in nexus registry,<release-number>
(use your release number, ex:1-32-0
) - Validate scans complete and Anchore displays data (click the SHA value for each image)
- Login to argocd with SSO
Logout and login with username
. The password is in theargocd-initial-admin-secret
secret. If that doesn't work attempt a password reset:kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o json | jq '.data|to_entries|map({key, value:.value|@base64d})|from_entries'
Create application
[Create Application]
, fill in the belowSetting Value Application Name podinfo Project default Sync Policy Automatic Sync Policy check both boxes Sync Options check "auto-create namespace" Repository URL Revision HEAD Path chart Cluster URL https://kubernetes.default.svc Namespace podinfo -
(top of page) -
Validate app syncs/becomes healthy
WIP: Creating application with YAML template
apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: podinfo spec: destination: name: '' namespace: podinfo server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc' source: path: chart repoURL: '' targetRevision: HEAD project: default syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true
- Delete app
Log into the Minio UI - access and secret key are in the
secretkubectl -n minio get secret minio-root-creds-secret -o json | jq -r '.data.accesskey' | base64 -d ; echo ' <- access key' kubectl -n minio get secret minio-root-creds-secret -o json | jq -r '.data.secretkey' | base64 -d ; echo ' <- secret key'
- Create bucket
- Store file to bucket
- Download file from bucket
- Delete bucket and files
- Login to mattermost with SSO.
- Update/modify profile picture
Send chats/validate chats from previous releases are visible.
Tip The ability to see chats in other teams requires Mattermost administrator rights. - Under System Console -> Elastic click Test Connection and Index Now, then validate success
Validate that the Twistlock init job pod ran and completed, this should do all setup (license/user) and the required defender updates automatically (Pod is automatically removed after 30 minutes)
- If pod is gone already, check the prometheus target fopr twistlock
Login to twistlock/prisma cloud with the credentials in the secret:
kubectl get secret -n twistlock twistlock-console -o go-template='{{.data.TWISTLOCK_USERNAME | base64decode}}' ; echo ' <- username' kubectl get secret -n twistlock twistlock-console -o go-template='{{.data.TWISTLOCK_PASSWORD | base64decode}}' ; echo ' <- password'
Under Manage -> Defenders -> Manage, make sure # of defenders online is equal to number of nodes on the cluster
Defenders will scale with the number of nodes in the cluster. If there is a defender that is offline, check whether the node exists in cluster anymore. Cluster autoscaler will often scale up/down nodes which can result in defenders spinning up and getting torn down. As long as the number of defenders online is equal to the number of nodes everything is working as expected.
- Under Radars -> Containers, validate pods are shown across all namespaces
Test secret sync in new namespace
# create secret in kyverno NS kubectl create secret generic \ -n kyverno kyverno-bbtest-secret \ --from-literal=username='username' \ --from-literal=password='password' # Create Kyverno Policy kubectl apply -f # Wait until the policy shows as ready before proceeding kubectl get clusterpolicy sync-secrets # Create a namespace with the correct label (essentially we are dry-running a namespace creation to get the yaml, adding the label, then applying) kubectl create namespace kyverno-bbtest --dry-run=client -o yaml | sed '/^metadata:/a\ \ labels: {"": "kyverno-bbtest"}' | kubectl apply -f - # Check for the secret that should be synced - if it exists this test is successful kubectl get secrets kyverno-bbtest-secret -n kyverno-bbtest
Delete the test resources
# If above is successful, delete test resources kubectl delete -f kubectl delete secret kyverno-bbtest-secret -n kyverno kubectl delete ns kyverno-bbtest
Backup PVCs using velero_test.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./docs/release/velero_test.yaml # wait 30s for velero to be ready then: # exec into velero_test container, check log $ veleropod=$(kubectl get pod -n velero-test -o json | jq -r '.items[]') $ kubectl exec $veleropod -n velero-test -- tail /mnt/velero-test/test.log
- Install the velero CLI on your workstation if you don't already have it (for MacOS, run
brew install velero
). - Then set VERSION to the release you are testing and use the CLI to create a test backup:
$ VERSION=1-<minor>-0 $ velero backup create velero-test-backup-${VERSION} -l app=velero-test $ velero backup get
- Wait a bit, re-run
velero backup get
, when it shows "Completed" delete the app.
$ kubectl delete -f ./docs/release/velero_test.yaml namespace "velero-test" deleted persistentvolumeclaim "velero-test" deleted deployment.apps "velero-test" deleted
- Install the velero CLI on your workstation if you don't already have it (for MacOS, run
Restore the test resources from the backup
$ velero restore create velero-test-restore-${VERSION} --from-backup velero-test-backup-${VERSION} # exec into velero_test container $ kubectl exec $veleropod -n velero-test -- cat /mnt/velero-test/test.log # Old log entries and new should be in log if backup was done correctly
Cleanup test
$ kubectl delete -f ./docs/release/velero_test.yaml
Login to Keycloak admin console. The credentials are in the
secret:kubectl get secret keycloak-credentials -n keycloak -o json | jq -r '.data.adminuser' | base64 -d ; echo " <- admin user" kubectl get secret keycloak-credentials -n keycloak -o json | jq -r '.data.password' | base64 -d ; echo " <- password"
Tracing (Jaeger)
- Load tracing, login with SSO, and ensure there are no errors on main page and that traces can be found for apps
- Load alertmanager, login with SSO, and validate that the watchdog alert at minimum is firing
4. Create Release
Re-run helm docs in case any package tags changed as a result of issues found in testing.
$ cd bigbang $ git pull # pull any last minute cherry picks, verify nothing has greatly changed $ git checkout release-1.<minor>.x $ docker run -v "$(pwd):/helm-docs" -u $(id -u) jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.5.0 -s file -t .gitlab/ --dry-run > # commit and push the changes (if any)
Create release candidate tag based on release branch, ie.
. You will need to request tag permissions from the maintainers 1.-
To do this via the UI (generally preferred): tags page -> new tag, name:
, create from:release-1.<minor>.x
, message: "release candidate", release notes: leave empty -
To do this via git CLI:
$ git tag -a 1.<minor>.0-rc.0 -m "release candidate" # list the tags to make sure you made the correct one $ git tag -n # push $ git push --tags
Passed tag pipeline.
Review all pipeline output looking for failures or warnings. Reach out to the maintainers for a quick review before proceeding. 1
Create release tag based on release branch. ie.
To do this via the UI (generally preferred): tags page -> new tag, name:
, create from:release-1.<minor>.x
, message:release 1.<minor>.0
, release notes: leave empty -
To do this via git CLI:
$ git tag -a 1.<minor>.0 -m "release 1.<minor>.0" # list the tags to make sure you made the correct one $ git tag -n # push $ git push --tags
Passed release pipeline.
Review all pipeline output looking for failures or warnings. Reach out to the maintainers for a quick review before proceeding. 1
Add release notes to release.
Collect dogfood/docs/release/release-notes-1-<minor> that was created earlier. Paste this into release.
Modify release notes:
- Create Upgrade Notices, based off of the listed notices in the release issue.
- Move MRs from 'Big Bang MRs' into their specific sections below. If MR is for Big Bang (docs, CI, etc) and not a specific package, they can remain in place under 'Big Bang MRs'.
- Adjust known issues as needed: If an issue has been resolved it can be removed and if any new issues were discovered they should be added.
Cherry-pick release commit(s) as needed with merge request back to master branch. We do not ever merge release branch back to master. Instead, make a separate branch from master and cherry-pick the release commit(s) into it. Use the resulting MR to close the release issue.
# Navigate to your local clone of the BB repo cd path/to/my/clone/of/bigbang # Get the most up to date master git checkout master git pull # Check out new branch for cherrypicking git checkout -b 1.<minor>-cherrypick # Repeat the following for whichever commits are required from release # Typically this is the initial release commit (bumped GitRepo, Chart.yaml, CHANGEGLOG, README) and a final commit that re-ran helm-docs (if needed) git cherry-pick <commit sha for Nth commit> git push --set-upstream origin 1.<minor>-cherrypick # Create an MR using Gitlab, merging this branch back to master, reach out to maintainers to review
Close Big Bang Milestone in GitLab.
Handoff the release to the maintainers 1, they will review then celebrate and announce the release in the public MM channel