BUG: helmRepository value doesn't allow multiple values
when using the Helm Wrapper chart and attempting to configure multiple HelmRepositories, an invalid Kubernetes manifest file is generated due to the range loop in this file: https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/bigbang/-/blob/master/chart/templates/helm-repository/helmreposecret.yaml?ref_type=heads
One way to solve this would be a check for the last iteration of the loop at the end. If it is not the last iteration, add a ---
to separate the manifests.
This is what the generated file looks like:
# Source: test/templates/deployment.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: test
namespace: default
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
.dockerconfigjson: blah
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: test
namespace: default
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
.dockerconfigjson: blah
These are the values which will trigger this bug
- name: blah-repo
repository: oci://registry.gitlab.com/blah
type: oci
username: blah
password: blah
- name: blahblah-repo
repository: oci://registry.gitlab.com/blahblah
type: oci
username: blahblah
password: blahblah
BigBang Version
What version of BigBang were you running? 2.12